Well, congratulations first of all for being ready and available to do your class II. It is a great achievement.
Before we get into class II application let us learn some important and useful things regarding class II exams and current scenario in MMDs.
Master Checker
Well what is master checker? It is nothing but a link that is given under every seaman profile in E-Governance which shows the courses you have done, sea time uploaded by your employer. All your sailing experience after year 2012 should have been updated on DG server by respective shipping company you have sailed. It is the responsibility of employer and institutions to update the dates from and to you have sailed or done a course.
Master checker is a simple way for the MMD to quickly check all your details by clicking that link. SO MAKE SURE ALL THE REQUIRED COURSES MENTIONED BELOW AND SEA TIME DETAILS ALL ARE REFLECTED ON YOUR MASTER CHECKER LINK.
When you open the link, ” Update Seafarer Profile” it opens up a page where in the header menu section as shown below you can see “Master Checker” in Yellow colour with a “New” banner flashing. Click on master checker where all your details like Pre-sea, Post-sea, Modular courses, Sea service details etc are arranged in tabs click on each tab to gain access to each respectively.
List of courses to be done.
- 4-month preparatory course as per STCW2010.
- Engine Room Simulator course as per STCW2010.
- All modular courses refresher as per STCW 2010.
– Refresher FPFF.
– Refresher PSCRB
– Refresher MFA
– Refresher AFF
– Ship security officer course
Sea time requirement
1. Make sure you have completed 12 months (30 days a month) sea time. The same can be checked in master checker.
2. Twelve months or more sea time shall be completed in a company with RPSL. Which means the company you have sailed shall have a valid RPSL for the time you have sailed and they should have updated your sign on / Sign off details on the DG server using their login details provided by DG to your company.
Please Note: Companies have 3 month time to update any date. After which the DG server doesn’t accept it, Post 3 months they will start having troubles with sea time update. Most of the stable companies don’t have this issue as they have a dedicated team who take care of this but small companies and New companies always run into such trouble.
My sea time details are not shown under master checker.
Well , you are in a little bit of a trouble here….But, This is completely solvable situation, no need to panic. Now you have to contact the company you sailed with and ask them to update your sea time details. Considering that, the company still has a valid RPSL which means they still have access to the DG server if not it is of a problem to you. Now, you will contact your company to email DG & your MMD from authorized email id explaining why they couldn’t update the sea time and an alternative way to prove your sea time.
In my case I have had the same issue, my company emailed DG surveyor that they have failed to update sea time in a timely manner and apologized and also requested DG to consider this as a one-time mistake and wouldn’t happen again.
DG replied to company and MMD mumbai in CC to accept a letter from company letter head mentioning all my sea time and signed by authorized signatory from my company.
I got this letter from company and gave it to Mumbai MMD. The MMD office person asked me to talk to surveyor……The surveyor in Mumbai MMD is not readily accepting until I produced the email communication from my company to DG and then DG to my company and finally the letter ………then the surveyor accepts it half hearted………
well, I still feel it is mistake of the shipping companies and the way DG mandate this process to companies, don’t know why a candidate should run around for a company’s mistake.
1.Update your profile on DG website -SPECIALLY pre sea course, COC details, Preparatory course details, Modular course details, ERSM, vessel Exp etc..
- Keep photocopies of all above mentioned certificates, Sea time testimonials all copies to be self attested.
- Get 4 Nos of passport size photograph. No specification on the photo is required. Normal passport size photo is enough.
- Company letter mentioning the sea time details in their letter head signed by authorized signatory.
Note: The sign is cross checked with a file in MMD which contains authorized signatories signs. Which means you company would have sent a letter to MMD stating that the following are the authorized signatories of the company and their sign would be there in the letter.
- Get your medicals done in ILO FORMAT. You can get it from BP ACADEMY for Rs.400 with 2 years’ validity. Near DG also you can get it done for much lesser price. ILO FORMAT has some three pages.
- Now LOOK FOR MMD MUMBAI WEBSITE for dates announcement for the particular month. The excel file tells the date for fresher’s booking. Well, booking is done online but for fresher’s the initial assement has to be done and approved by MMD surveyor.
Now you have got all of the above mentioned items ready! Well I should say you have completed 10% of your class II license part. Now time to go to MMD on the specified day in the excel file mentioned above.
Note: Reach MMD on booking date as early as possible and write your name in the paper list. I believe this is for the queue, but when I did, this list was not followed. We followed the seating order inside the hall.
Items to carry to MMD
- Black Pen
- Stapler
- Punching machine
- Whitener
- Eraser
- A working debit / credit card with OTP mobile for online payment.
1.At 0930 hrs you may be allowed to sit in the exam hall.
- One of the MMD office staff will come issue checklist and explain the procedure. Note : Most of them speak Marathi or Hindi. If you are like me from south have a translating friend who can translate it for you.
- Here is the checklist. Take a printout before you go and prepare documents in the same order as mentioned in the checklist.
- First thing to do is your Part ‘A’ exemption and then class II assessment. The staff will ask you to pay the assessment fee online.
- You can do this in your smartphone, but make sure you have Firefox installed, as other browsers are not accepted.
- Otherwise go to any XEROX center near mmd and you can get it done there.
– In fact they seem to make things simpler for a small service fee. Just give your INDOS and password to pay for your part ‘A’ assement (Rs.3000).
– Mostly all Debit , credit & online Banking payment accepted. Just keep a working Credit / Debit card with OTP mobile handy.
– Mangalam & Sheetal xerox seem to having experience staffs and offer faster service.
- Once you pay the fees you may generate and print your Form 15. You need to collect the fees receipt and form 15 print out from there.
- Now buy a blue colored File / Folder from the same shop. Punch all your documents required by the checklist and attach it to the file. First your Form 15, then payment slip, then checklist. Then all your photo copies of certificates as per check list.
- Go to MMd the staff will ask to fill some details in Form 15. Use black pen. Fill in all those details
Note : MMD staff will ask u to fill ur EXN 45. 2 photos to stick in EXN 45 & 2 IN FORM- 15.
- Double check everything is in order, Keep all your original documents ready. You may be asked to show your CDC, PASSPORT, PREPARATORY COURSE, ERSM, ALL REFRESHER COURSE, SSO /STSD.
- Now the staff will check and count your sea time and matching dates with your company letter and sea service testimonial. (So check all dates are matching and arrange them accordingly)
- As I, said earlier your master checker shall reflect all your dates. if it does display properly you are too good. If not, you will be asked by the MMD staff that the respective company or institute to updates dates and come back after its done.
Note: Since you have something pending you will still be allowed to come back later after completing the missing tasks and continue your application process even though the dates for applying for that month is crossed. ! People like you are the ones who delay the time table for Oral being release!
- Once he is happy, then he will ask u to go for exam booking. Go to same Xerox center, tell them you have come for your CL2 EXAM PAYMENT. They will book papers online, make sure they do not select STEAM PAPERS, if u r doing for MOTOR. Totally you will select ten subjects.
- Now time for payment then as usual Card or any mode of payment explained above… (3000+24000 INR 3000 for part ‘B’ assessment. – Yes Indian government needs to make money from sailors like you J
- Take print of that receipt. Charges for this service is like Rs.70-100
- Submit the documents to the person who did ur assessment. He will check your payment details & he will allow ur ADMIT CARD to generate.
- You can now make a note that receipt number and fill it on your FORM-15. Then he will ask you to go to surveyor with ur file. Surveyor may check anything he needs so be ready to show him that he wants. Now he will sign on ur photo & other pages.
- Go back to the same Xerox shop and take a print out of your admit card. This is kind of a proof that you have been accepted to sit for your class II exams.
- Congratulations you have completed the hardest part of Class II licensing process. I would say 20% of the license part is done.
Well, That’s it now the application procedure is complete. You can tap on your back or Have a beer to celebrate the completion of, one of the most difficult step.
Sir, after clearing my class 4 coc, I sailed with a reputed shipping company as a JUNIOR ENGINEER (because of the current market conditions). On the CDC, I got the stamp of JE, but in master checker they have entered my rank as trainee marine engineer whereas I was doing independent watches onboard, and I have testimonials to prove it.
When I contacted my shipping company they told me that it will be counted for class 2. But I doubt it.
So, sir please advise what should I do now.
Please give me answer…. Contact me 9929887612
no it was not countable
you need to have oicew mentioned in testimonial and nature of duty must be 4a
You should check on form 16 whether they have mentioned you as officers of engineering watch .
Thank u very much for detailed explanation
Sir, I have one doubt. After cleard class iv i sailed as a junior engineer for 3 months and company stamped in a cdc as trainee marine engineer..after i promoted to fourth engineer in onboard itself. Then i sailed as a 4th engineer 9 and half months. So totally almost i sailed in a vessel 13 months after holding class iv coc…So Can i give class 2 exam??? Within this eligibilities
Is valid Class 4 required to apply for Class 2 COC after passing exams?
What if my Class 4 COC has expired?
No that is not a requirement, even with an expired COC you can apply.
Is there any requirement to do the exams after doing the preparatory course or can one go for sailing after the course and then come back to apply for the exams.
Yes, you can go and come for a contract, to be more specific, i finished my class II preparatory on 2009 and applied for the exam only in 2013 due persona commitments. There are so many versions of people saying you have to apply within 18 months, Then you can take as long as you want. However in your case, dont worry go ahead do your contract and come back. Absolutely nothing to worry. All the best! Have a safe contract
Sir, iam giving my class 2 exams I have passed 3 writens ,but my class IV coc is geting expired in March 2021. Can I keep giving my class 2 exams with expired class IV COC.
Yes yes, validity of class IV is not significant.
Sir whether they will ask for article of agreement while applying for exam, please tell , I have worked in offshore.
As long as your sea time is uploaded in your indos profile you are fine. Offshore? do you mean shore based work in maritime industry in teaching or as a technical worker? one third of your time worked is counted as sea time. But the organization you worked should have an RPSL number and they should have uploaded your time in your indos profile.
If this is not the case, i am afraid your case will be as easy as it is! You will have to run between DG & MMD.
All the best
Sir.good morning.after class 4 i did 4 ships as 4th and 3rd my cdc stamp mentioned only grt nrt imo number.not bhp/kw.all my company ships have stamp without bhp/kw..but in my rpsl letter they have mentioned bhp/kw..will it cause trouble in appearing meo class 2 exams.sir.
Sir, I had sailed 11 months as 3 /E in container vessel of Malaysian flag vessel but I had joined direct recruited, not through any RPSL company. I have passport stamping and cdc stamping & testimonial for relevant sea service, I had uploaded missing sea service in the column of “missing sea service uploaded by seafarer in profile” at master checker. So the above sea service is eligible for class 2 exam?
Direct answer to your query is NO. Because these days MMDs rely only on the dates entered (By your rpsl agency) in your seafarer profile, which in your case is absent.
I have gone through similar situation, MMD refused my application, then i had to personally meet the surveyor in MMD explain him my situation, Surveyor asked me to prove the sea time by different methods like passport stamps, Letter from the company etc. However my company still had RPSL but they failed to update my dates so i was finally given the option to sit for exam.
By the way direct recruitment is considered illegal these days, because as a seafarer to leave the country you need E-Migration letter which is usually done on your seafarer profile by the RPSL agency, in your case i am not sure how you were able to fly out of the country.
Anyways, The answer is NO, but there is still a chance if go to meet surveyor in the MMD and explain your situation to see if he is able to provide you the required oiveride. Technically, The MMD surveyor can override this and make his justification.
All the best.
Below are the responses in our Facebook channel when we asked our members to post their comments
Sir, I have sea service proof such as passport stamping includes vessel name on both arrival and departure , cdc stamping, falg state medical original, seaman visa with vessel name and rank, salary slip, testimonial and direct recruitment proof from mail copy, flag state cdc & coc which also includes vessel
name and sea service letter from owner.
E-Migration started on September 2017 but I signed on June 2017 and signed off on May 2017.
If Even sea service proved from above documents , there is a chance to reject?
Please suggest me.
Thanks sir.
*sign on year wrongly typed from above replied
Sir, I have sea service proof such as passport stamping includes vessel name on both arrival and departure , cdc stamping, falg state medical original, seaman visa with vessel name and rank, salary slip, testimonial and direct recruitment proof from mail copy, flag state cdc & coc which also includes vessel name and sea service letter from owner. E-Migration started on September 2017 but I signed on June 2016 and signed off on May 2017. If Even sea service proved from above documents , there is a chance to reject? Please suggest me. Thanks sir.
The issue here is, the approval process is done by the clerical staffs in the MMD, they straightway reject as soon as they dont see the sea time in your profile. You can go and talk to them, most probably they will refer you to the surveyor incharge who will ask additional questions to fulfil your application.
As i said earlier, It is doable, but you will have to work a bit harder. I know same exact case, which was specifically approved by the surveyor.
Is there any circular regarding counting of propelling days when the vessel is at storage/ rig. Crude oil tanker LOA 244m . The vessel was always on loading at rig and would have discharging at same place via STS.
I am referring you to TEAP Manual Part’A’ where it says, you should produce a Watch keeping testimonial from Chief engineer who should mention the propelling days. This should cover 2/3 of the time required ( which is 12 months from class IV) so i interpret this as, if you have propelling days about 8 months this is more than enough.
It all boils down to what your chief engineer gives you as propulsion days, There is no other provision in any of the application process to mention whether you worked in storage tanker or a sailing tanker.
Other please comment if i am wrong, i did my class 1 years back!
All the best
Hi sir,
myself prasad babu p
i worked on tugs with class Meo class4 coc -fg, tugs with 2400kw, 2540kw and 4130kw for 36 months At harbour operation and spm operations ie outer anchorage,now i want to giv Meo class2 exam with persual of boiler course mang level, i want to know how much sea time will b required for fulfillment in ma case, and i applied for qss but der also its asking for part a n part b in qss coloum with respective payment of 3000/- each, also asking for courses pdf attachment inclusive of all refresher , medicals , preparatory class etc etc rpsl, article, owners letter plz say as i was asking for qss to know weather am eligible or not for Meo class 2, where it was asking to upload docs, if ma service is not valid den wat i hav to do by doing courses..plz suggest me
Hii Sir myself Namdeo I have sailed on cruide oil tanker as 4 th engg , two contracts I have done , my total sea service is 361 days. Can I do class prepratory course and after that can I do assessment . With 361 days sea time can i do my exam . On the DG shipping website they have mentioned 12 months sea time and into bracket they have wrote 30days a month so it becomes 360 days and I have 361 days so can I do my exam. Please suggest
Sir now I’m in same situation. Sir could you please what happened with u finally? Did they accept to give assessment?
Sir,I have done my class 2 preparatory course in the month of March 2021.after completing it I went for sailing..still now I haven’t done the class 2 assessment and part A excemption… within how many months I have to do the there any time duration.?……..if I haven’t done the assessment within that time duration then what I have to do?!
I did my class2 4 mnths preparatory in 2014,can I give exam in 2022with same certificate or do I have to do it again
Hello Sir,
I have a query that i had given class 4 from singapore . Is it possible to appear for class 2 in India or is there any procedure / assessment to get convert coc to Indian one.?
Thank you very much.
Respected sir,
I signed on a vessel on 10 th April 2022 and signed off on 11 April 2023 . Can I apply for meo class 2 assessment?.
I have sailed in AHTS as 4th engg(anchor hndling and supply) 15 month sea service engines above 3000kw.m i eligible for meo class 2 exams
Maximum After how many days you have to appear for MEO Class 2 exams after finished with 4 months preparatory course.
Sir, I am going to appear for exams in next month, if I am planning to go for 1 sailing after the exams irrespective of results, Should I give assessment again as the assessment validity is 1 year from approved date?