How to transfer your files from Chennai MMD to Cochin MMD
This procedure is almost same for transfer of files from one MMD to another MMD. I have done my files transfer from Chennai MMD to Cochin MMD and the following is the correct procedure to do so.
- Visit MMD one day, probably choose it to be start of a week so that you have ample time for follow ups.
- Write a letter addressed to, THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER, MMD, Chennai (or whichever city you are transferring from). Click here for a sample letter.
- The form should be completed and signed by you and dropped in the drop box.
- Talk to the counter personnel and inform them you have applied for a file transfer, they will reckon you to find and locate your file.
Note: This file typically contains Form -15, Seafarer profile copy, Passport size photo, EXN-45 Xerox, STCW certificates and anything that you had submitted during your part ‘A’ exam or Exemption.
- The files are organised year wise. You have to search for the year you applied for your Part “A” exam or exemption.
- Once your file is located, submit the file to the counter personnel and inform them it is for “File transfer to another MMD”. The person would request you to come after 2 working days.
- After 2 working days contact the MMD counters, most probably the same person to whom you submitted you file for transfer, the counter personal will have your request letter signed by the surveyor.
- Now the counter personnel will initiate an online transfer of your Form – 15. (A form will be filled by the counter personnel and the same will be signed by the surveyor and given to you). Click here for a sample letter.
Note: Now, this is end of the process in the MMD where you are transferring from. Just in case to be on the safer side, take a copy of the file contents like Form -15 or anything else you think is worth taking a copy. Remember, only your Form-15 will be sent to the MMD where you are transferring to, other documents will most probably kept in the origin MMD.
- Now you will be told to contact the MMD which you have transferred to after 1 week. So book your tickets in advance or plan your trip and stay there for a date a week later from today.
- Now, Welcome to your new MMD town. Visit the MMD during early working hours and visit the counter personnel and inform them that you have transferred your file from ____________MMD and you would like to apply for your exam.
- Your Form-15 will be located and given to you and you will have to create a new file, so prepare a file for your matching the colour required by MMD. Cochin MMD has no any colour preference.
- That’s it you are ready to go from there and apply for your exam.
Dear sir,
Good day.
sir please note that after issueing 2MFG INDIAN coc i
have completed my sea time close to 25 month,inclding 6 months in
offshore and 6 month as a chief mate on the basis of belize chief
mate coc which is online.
i would request you to confirm that above mentioned chief mate sea
exprience will count for my first mate assessement in india?
Awaiting for your prompt response.
Belize is not in the white list of DG shipping hence any sea time with Belize won’t be counted. But since you already have Indian COC your sea time will be counted for your 1st mate exam.
The surveyor may ask you about the CDC entry as chief mate then you will have to explain him.
Dear sir,
Thanks for your valuable information about transfer of Class IV file, weather we have to write letter to the principal MMD in had written or it should be typed, please keep me informed, thanking u in advance.
Hand written letter is more than enough, Not really necessary to type it.
Do we have to give reason for transferring our exam center.
Thank you
Yes we have to write a reason for transferring of exam centre. the sample letter format should be
Dear Sir,
Once transfer frm home Mmd to other Mmd.again transferring to home Mmd is possible
You can’t transfer back to home mmd or other mmd Without appearing once!!
Minimum one attempt you have to appear in the current mmd. Because the surveys will not approve your letter. They will question you.
So better appear once then try to apply for transfer to your preferred mmd!!!
Tknx bro.but I transferred to Cochin frm Chennai. In Cochin every month last Friday (feb24)assessment. After march1st booking will open for April month.but now they preponed April month booking to feb23.then this will affect fresher’s r not.
i applied transfer form to visakhapatnam from chennai on 8-9-17..but it went to kollkata mmd
and from kolkatta they send on 4-10-17 to visakhapatnam but it still yet not came.
so please advice me what to do further..
Sir, i am need to apply class 4 part b exam.but now home mmd chennai i need to transfer to Cochin.for transfer any payment
@Vignesh you can transfer to any mmd.. no need to pay any payments for transferring of mmd.
My old coc in mumbai mmd i need to renew my coc in chennai mmd. can i put chennai mmd? What is the procedure for the above?
Good day sir. Am done class 4 exam at kolkatta (transferred from chennai mmd to kolkatta mmd).Now am plan to do class2 exam at again chennai. What is the procedure for transfer my file kolkatta to chennai mmd wait for youe good reply sir.Thank you.
Good day sir,
I want to know… I’m appearing for 2nd mates exams.
By mistake I choose MMD Kndla and pay the but I want to appear from Kolkata MMD.
It is possible to cancel or transfer that file to kolkata MMD.
Kindly note that I don’t have form 15 and I didn’t do any assessment from Kandla.