Merchant Navy Courses

6 months’ pre-sea course for General Purpose Rating

6 months’ pre-sea course for General Purpose Rating



COURSE DURATION: 06 Months (Compulsory Residential).


  • Male candidates must have passed with aggregate of 40% marks in 10th Standard/SSLC/SSC/Matriculation or equivalent examinations from a recognized Board with Science and Mathematics as subjects and also scored with minimum 40% marks in English subject.
  • If the candidate is not scored 40% of marks in English Subject in 10th Standard/SSLC/SSC/ Matriculation examination. The minimum 40% marks scored in English Subject in 12th Standard or in the Degree/Diploma Courses conducted by the recognized Board or University shall be considered.



  • Candidates must have completed 17 ½ Years and should be below 25 Years of age on the date of commencement of course (No relaxation of age shall be entertained as per Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai).


  • The course fees for Pre-Sea Course for General Purpose Rating is Rs. 1,20,000 – 2,00,000 which is to be paid by the candidates in one or instalments as per institute norms.


The Pre-Sea Training Course Syllabus is designed to give the Ratings :

* A basic grounding in the ship’s routine, it’s operation, legislation and their related duties.

* A good foundation in the principles of Safety, Accident Prevention, Pollution at Sea, Fire Fighting and First Aid.

* An idea of the theory and practice of a ship’s compass and hints on steering.

* Basic Engineering knowledge, maintenance and safe working practices.

* Knowledge regarding tools, equipment & instruments commonly found on board ships

* A practical knowledge of handling of Ropes, Blocks, Tackles, & Rigging.

* Practical training in handling a lifeboat and starting its diesel engine.

* Practical workshop training in Carpentry, Plumbing, Machine shop, Electrical, and Diesel Maintenance Shop & Hot work.

All Ratings are required to complete the following mandatory courses during the training period :

~ Personal Survival Techniques, (PST)

~ Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting, (FPFF)

~ Proficiency in Elementary First Aid, (EFA)

~ Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities. (PSSR)

~ Oil Tanker Familiarisation (OTFC)

~ Security Training for Seafarers with designated security duties

All Instructions are imparted in the English language.

Physical training, parade and sports are part of the curriculum and are mandatory.

Course conducted in the following institutions

Sl. No.InstitutesCity
1Balaji Seamen Training InstituteChennai
2Cosmopolitan Technology of MaritimeChennai
3HIMT CollegeChennai
4Indian Maritime University – Chennai Campus (NMA)Chennai
5Indus Seafarers Training AcademyChennai
6International Maritime AcademyChennai
7Maritime FoundationChennai
8Southern Academy of Marine StudiesChennai
9Tamilnadu Maritime AcademyChennai
10Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Institute of Maritime Science and EngineeringChidambaram
11Oceanic Maritime AcademyDehradoon
12Nusi Maritime AcademyGoa
13Sea Scan Maritime AcademyGoa
14School of Seamanship & Nautical TechKanchipuram
15Columbus Maritime AcademyKhardi
16Marine Medical ClinicKhatdi
17MMTI Education TrustKhopoli
18Yak Educational TrustKhopoli
19Euro Tech Maritime AcademyKochi
20Maritime Academy of IndiaKolkata
21Maritime Education Training & Research InstituteKolkata
22Trident College of Marine TechnologyKolkata
23Seacom Marine CollegeKolkata
24Centre for Maritime Education and TrainingLucknow
25J.Son’s Merchant Navy InstituteMerrut
26Arya Marine AcademyMumbai
27Bonzer Academy of Maritime StudiesMumbai
28B. P. Marine AcademyNavi Mumbai
29Training Ship RahamanNavi Mumbai
30Aquatech Institute of Maritime StudiesNew Delhi
31Sriram Institute of Marine StudiesNew Delhi
32Orissa Maritime AcademyParadip
33Marine Officers Training AcademyPondicherry
34Sri Chakra Maritime Academy,Pondicherry
35Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Govt. PolytechnicPort Blair
36Commander Ali’s Academy of Merchant NavySecunderabad
37Baba Marine InstituteThane
38Marine Training AcademyUdawara
39Asha International Institute of Marine TechnologyVaranasi




ENTRY Educational QualificationMatriculation (10th Std)
Age (yrs)17.5 – 21years
Pre-Sea Education& Training 4 Months Pre-Sea Training Course at CTM including STCW Courses
· A-VI/1-1- PST
· A-VI/1-2 -FPFF
· A-VI/1-3- EFA
· A-VI/1-4- PSSR

POST SEA ASSESSMENTAssessment of RTRBAssessment of Sea-going Service Foundation Course PCME 2- Months (May be done after 6 months seagoing service) NWKO (NCV) course; and A-11/15 4 Mts+· Radar & ARPA Simulator training at Operational Level
· A- VI/2-1 PSC & RB
· A- VI/3- AFF
· A-VI/4-1 MFA
NWKO(NCV) Course,4 months + St. (ARPA Simulator Training Operational Level
· A- VI/2-1 PSC & RB
· A- VI/3- AFF
· A-VI/4-1 MFA
CERTIFICATERatings Forming Part of Navigation WatchSecond Mate of foreign going ship (NWKO)Navigation Watch keeping Officer (NCV)


About Ram Govindasamy

Ram Govindasamy is a seasoned marine chief engineer with specialized expertise in operating and managing large cruise ships, both in shipboard and shore-based roles. Leveraging his extensive experience, Ram founded Dieselship, a company dedicated to serving the maritime community through diverse offerings. Dieselship provides academic resources, develops innovative maritime software to streamline shipboard and shore-based operations, and supplies ship provisions and spare parts. A passionate computer enthusiast, Ram enjoys creating web-based applications, designing websites, and programming solutions. He is an active contributor to the maritime industry, authoring technical articles and producing educational videos for Dieselship and various other maritime platforms. Ram has a keen interest in Maritime Law and Technical Operations, and he thrives on collaborating with like-minded professionals. He is particularly enthusiastic about creating web-based platforms, asset maintenance and inventory management programs, and planned maintenance systems, fostering innovation and efficiency in the maritime sector.

93 thoughts on “6 months’ pre-sea course for General Purpose Rating

  1. kunukuraju says:

    Gp rating course

    1. saurabh prakash sahai says:

      Sir please suggest me gp reating course fees structure…?

      1. Aman mishra says:

        Sir which college is the best of gp ratting and ….
        Those colleges is best placement …

    2. saurabh prakash sahai says:

      Hello sir,,
      I am very interested to join merchant Navy. I have completed 10+2 examination but +2 subject my pcb so please inform me i was able to this course. Now I want to do gp rating course. If kindly explain me selection procedure for gp rating then I will be very pleased. Thank you

      1. Mahendra raju. S says:

        Sir give some information about gp rating course sir. I want to join

      2. Aashu says:

        Kindly tell us your age?? If you are below 25 yrs u are elagible to join merchant navy

      3. Nitesh tiwari says:

        120000 _200000

    3. Ishwa says:

      How to join in marine

    4. Bhavesh rana says:

      My birthday date is 28/09/96 it’s possible to do pre sea training in July 2021 batch

    5. Albin jacob says:

      Sri i am. Interested to join merchant navy

      1. Benarji Rao says:


    6. Anubhav Yadav says:


    7. Ashish pal says:

      Sir give some information about GP reating course sir I want to join

    8. Nikesh Chauhan says:

      hii sir

  2. sumit singh says:

    Sir may i join to your institute sir plz. Send your institute features

    1. Ram Govindasamy says:

      Dear sumit
      We are not running any institute please check for the list of colleges we have mentioned and choose one of them as you like. All the best.

      1. Sahinul Haque says:

        Hello sir,,
        I am very interested to join merchant Navy. I have completed 10+2 examination but I got only 56%(pcm). Now I want to do gp rating course. If kindly explain me selection procedure for gp rating then I will be very pleased. Thank you

        1. avik says:

          Sir did commerce student is eligible

        2. Deepak prajapati says:

          Sir gp rating se achha aap DNS karlo jyda fyde me rahoge

          1. Ranjith. d says:

            Hai sir

        3. Anubhav Yadav says:


    2. anurag says:

      sir i am join your institute send your institute fee and features

  3. Pratham Singh says:

    Sir I have listen that in gp rating course people behaves them like slave…is it true…can you plz tell me the truth…I what to join merchant navy….but not like labour…thnaks ☺

    1. Ram Govindasamy says:

      Dear sir, Position on-board rating is the begining of shipping career and doesnt require higher educational qualification. I wouldnt accept you will be working as slaves but this position will carry out supporting roles which will involve cleaning and other jobs.
      If you do not wish to take up this career you can always join Deck or Engine side as officer after you complete required training. For more information please email, one of our sailing admin will get in touch with you who can answer all your queries.

  4. Sumant patil says:

    I am bba.passed can I get opportunity.

  5. saivineeth says:

    what about the marine biology students ? does completed students get good opportunity in this field ?
    i’m interested in this , but the fee structure is more.

  6. sumeet says:

    Any institute which have the age bar limit more than 25 years for gp rating course

    1. Aman says:

      No brother

  7. Sachin R shetty says:

    Sir I completed my diploma education by the board of karnataka (civil engineering) I wish to join the merchant navy and wish to make it as my career. What should I do now??.. I want to do 6 months course or their is any separate course for the diploma holders??.. I have saw some where 100% job. Assurity is that true is I got job what is my… Salary per month plzz… Sir plenty of confusion help me

    1. Akspa says:

      Contact us
      We will provide job and arrange courses for u
      Email your number at

  8. Krishnakumar says:

    GP Rating course

    1. prathamesh lohar says:

      sir what is the fees for GP rating course

  9. ranjan prasad says:

    sir,i want to join in gp rating for training ,06/10/1997 ka d.o.b hai sir ,but english ka num kam hai sir,100 me 34 hai or 50 me 31 hai english me sir total 500 me 300 hai first division hai, kya hum training kar sakte hai sir,

  10. Abhilas says:

    Sir ,I wnt gp rating courcs address in goa

  11. Nikhil Santosh sahu says:

    Heyh good morning mam/sir I’m Nikhil Santosh sahu from Mumbai!!!! I needed a do gp rating courses on lower budget bcoz of some problems! If any seat available is their for June batch plz contact me
    8976179440 thanks

  12. Abhay Shankar P says:


    I have completed my 10+2 with 75% marks and also done engineering in ECE but I have supplementary papers and am very much interested in joining merchant navy

    1. Gufran ansari says:

      I’m join GP rating cours

  13. VIGNESHWARAN.V says:

    10th finised iam join mrine 6 months coures total fees ?and fecilites and more ect….

  14. afsal says:

    How to join 6 months pre_sea course

  15. Rahul Nair says:

    1.Need info about gp rating course
    2.Admission available for July batch
    3.Course Fees
    4.Educational loans provided or not

  16. RAMKI m says:

    I want join to G.P.Rating course.
    Please explain to me sir…

    1. Amit chaurasia says:

      Sir I want join G.P rating course. 10th finised and marks 76% and 12th marks 56% sir very interested marchent navy My phone -number 7317441580 ,7269975006

      1. Mayur malve says:

        I am also urs nd my marks is same

        1. sohil ansari says:


  17. ravindra says:

    Sir I also do gp rating course

  18. suraj Kumar says:

    Hi Sir may suraj Kumar form up may 10th 12th completed may be nevy join Karna chahta hu mobail Namber 7355232411

  19. suraj Kumar says:

    Hi Sir may suraj Kumar form up gp reting courses

  20. Sanket Chemate says:

    Gm sir….I’ve completed my diploma in mechanical engineering and now I want to join merchant navy…am I eligible for the course of 6 months? ?And what procedure I’ve to follow???In which academy I should complete the 6 months course??

  21. suraj Kumar says:

    Hi Sir may suraj kumar form up may 10th 12th completed

  22. Kishor mali says:

    Hi sr….. I’ ve completed my 10th 12th / ITI ( Fittar ) I want to join merchant navy ….in which academy I should complete course …??

  23. mdshahinhasanr2 says:

    I’ve completed my 10th & 12th and now I want to join merchant navy…am I eligible for the course of 6 months? ?And what procedure I’ve to follow???In which academy I should complete the 6 months course??

  24. Md Shahin Hasan says:

    I’ve completed my 10th & 12Th and now I want to join merchant navy…am I eligible for the course of 6 months? And what procedure I’ve to follow?

  25. clinton jose says:

    Sir pls send to me the contact number of euro tech maritime academy

  26. arshad hasan says:

    Sir I want. To no details. About 6 month. Maine. Course my 10 class 89.3% and 12 class 58% am I able to do this. By which. College. Contact no 8804469320, 9939231609

  27. Sheryar khan says:

    plz tell me admission open Marine Academy 2017 after six months courses

  28. shuvendra singh says:

    sir i want to join this institute i have pass 10th and 15 year old Send your institute features.

  29. sultan ali says:

    Sir i want join marchant navy so please give me advise

  30. chetan gavade says:

    Sir I am interested to join merchant navy

    Sir you provide loan for education

  31. niraj kumar nirala says:

    sir i m join this merchant can join this merchant navy.sir i hv done is provide

  32. Tarun Vohra says:

    there are many of pvt. institute . Pursuing G.P. Rating Course Through Pvt. institutes is safe???
    Please Answer

  33. ramchandra poonia says:

    sir ,i want join gp rating course 10th finised and marks 52 presents and 12th marks 67.58 present and iti (electrician) 68 present . sir i am very intertested marchant navy . piz tell me admission open marine academy batch juiy 2018
    sir my contect no 9636230486 , 8112261873

  34. OWAIZ KHAN says:

    Dear Team,

    1) Please assist which will be the best college to join for GP Rating course.
    2) What are benefits for this course and do we get employment easily as some of the college stated they will provide placement at the end of the course.

    please assist on priority its a humble request.
    please reply on :

    Owaiz Khan

  35. ratheesh says:

    Respected sir,i have completed my 10th successfully and I have backlog in 12th. So I discontinued my studies. Iam really interested to do gp rating course. Now iam 25 years old,so am i eligible to join merchant navy whith this age.. ?
    Sir kindly do the needful.

    1. Zaid Khan says:


  36. Madhankumar says:

    Which course is best sir? I wish to join gp rating course sir . have any scope this scope . can i become a officer after completed this scope. Response me sir…

  37. dinesh says:

    respacted,sir, sir kya gp rating corse ki fees kitni lagti hai

  38. Ankit Yadav says:

    Sir I want to join gp rating course

  39. Harpreet Singh says:

    Please let me know to admission in your institution for GP training

  40. Harpreet Singh says:

    Please let me know about admission in your institution for GP training.
    Fees structure + facilities providing during course

  41. Sujeet Kumar says:

    Sir please share placements status after GP training course

  42. Nabhan says:

    സാർ, സാറിന്റെ അഭിപ്രായത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും നല്ല വിശ്വസനീയമായ gp rating cours പഠിക്കാൻ പറ്റിയ ഒരു institute suggest ചെയ്യോ

  43. Kshetrapal B Kulkarni says:

    I’m interested join merchant navy course. I have completed ITI &PUC 2 .

  44. kulkarnikshetrapal32 says:

    i’m interested in joining gp rating course. I have completed ITI & PUC 2. I want to fees structure. We are financially very poor so available bank loans please respond.

  45. Pradeep says:

    Intereste the general purpose

  46. Amaresan.S says:

    i’m interested in joining gp rating course.
    I have completed to Diploma mechanical engineering sir . My eye power loss in 1.5power sir I am in eligible a gp rating course sir. Please response sir.

  47. Pankaj Kumar says:

    Gp rating cours details

  48. Saumyajit Dalabehera says:

    I am trying gp rating,plz call me or wp me 8249123382

  49. Rohit Kumar says:

    Sir I m job less Kya mei kar sakta hu

  50. Deepu p.m says:

    I have a desire to study gp rating course….. Pls suggest a college and fee structure

  51. Kundan singh says:

    I want

  52. Vinayan says:

    Iam join gp rating course

  53. sonu kumar gupta says:

    sir i want join gp rating course , please fees structure and institutes name

  54. R.Abinesh says:


  55. Ashwin says:

    Gp rating cours and training details

  56. N Harsha vard han naidu says:

    Hii sir iam N Harsha vardhan iam join the gb rating course please give more details fess and institute

  57. Sunny pawar says:

    Hi sir im sunny pawar I’m join the GB rating course please contact me and please give me fees and all detil
    Cont. sunnypawar3583@gmail.cim

  58. Hariom pundir says:

    Hi sir/mam I,am Hariom pundir iam join the gp r ating course please give me fees and detail please contact us 75005 25533

  59. Mahadeo Shankar jankar says:

    GP rayting cors

  60. R .deepak says:

    Plz one questions tell this GP raiting course finish first ship go and how much money give ship and go to first ship
    *Indha course ah mudichitana first ship Yara poodhu evolo kattitu pooganum sollu ga

  61. beardgeekspa says:

    Hi sir I want GP rating course from AMIT University how to apply?

  62. Aman kumar singh says:

    Plz one question tell this gp rating course finish first ship go and how much money give ship and go to first ship

  63. Ranjit kumar says:

    Join process in mr navy details

  64. Franklin J says:

    I want to join in gp rating

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