Ship Safety & Naval Architecture

Various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board ships


Cargo Ships Foreign going (all in original)
International Tonnage Certificate (1969)Valid for lifetime unless major change in construction.International Tonnage Convention 1969Surveyed by Class, measurements are taken, computed.Issued by Registrar or others assigned for such job as per M.S Act
International Load line Certificate (1966)Valid five years with annual and intermediate surveysILLC 1966 and protocol of 1988Surveyed by ClassIssued by Headquarters of Classification Society
International Load line Exemption CertificateValid five years with annual and intermediate surveysILLC 1966 and protocol of 1989Surveyed by ClassIssued by Headquarters of Classification Society
Minimum Safe Manning documentValid for lifetime unless major change in construction.SOLAS 1974 (1989 amendments)M.M.DIssued by The Principal officer M.M.D
Certificates of masters, officers and ratingsAs applicable under competenceSTCW 1995 codeM.M.DIssued by The Principal officer M.M.D
Tonnage Computation BookletValid for lifetime unless major change in construction.International Tonnage Convention 1969Surveyed by Class, measurements are taken, computedChecked by M.M.D and finally approved by D.G.S (Indian Ships)
Intact Stability Booklet with damage calculationsValid for lifetime unless major change in constructionSOLAS 1974 regulation II-1/22 including calculations part B 25 regn 1-10Surveyed by Class, measurements are taken, computedChecked by M.M.D and finally approved by D.G.S (Indian Ships)
For oil tankers above 150 GRT and other ships above 400 GRT
IOPP Certificate + Record of construction as per RegulationValid five years with annual and intermediate surveysMARPOL 73/78Surveyed by ClassIssued by the Principal officer (Registrar) of M.M.D
annex I regulation 5
Oil Record BookContinuous record documentMARPOL 73/78Surveyed by ClassAs approved by the Flag State
annex I regulation 20
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (3copies) SOPEPAs governed by IOPPMARPOL 73/78Surveyed by ClassAs approved by the Flag State
annex I regulation 26
In addition to all above cargo ships including tankers must have following in original
Safety Construction Certificate (SAFECON)Valid five years with annual and intermediate surveysSOLAS 1974 as amended and GMDSSSurveyed by ClassIssued by the Principal officer (Registrar) of M.M.D
Safety Equipment Certificate (500 GRT and above)Valid Five years & annual (HSSC effective since year 2000)SOLAS 1974Surveyed by M.M.D SurveyorsIssued by the Principal officer of concerned M.M.D
Chapter II-2, III and COLGEG 1972
Safety Equipment Plan and Record of Safety EquipmentRecord issued every Full term surveySOLAS 1974, Chapter II-2, III and COLGEG 1972Scrutiny and check by M.M.D SurveyorsPlan approved by D.G.S and Record issued with Safety Equipment Certificate.
Safety Radio Telegraphy/Telephony or GMDSSValid Five years & annual (HSSC effective since year 2000)SOLAS Chapter IVSurveyed by Radio Inspector of M.M.DIssued by the Principal officer of concerned M.M.D
as amended
Exemption certificate Safety EquipmentIf required as per SEC and valid same termSOLAS 1974 Regulation I/12Surveyed by M.M.D SurveyorIssued by the Principal officer of M.M.D
DOC Special requirement for ships with dangerous cargoAs and when required to carry dangerous cargoSOLAS 1974 Regulation II/54
Dangerous goods ManifestStowage Plan as requiredSOLAS 1974 Regulation VII, MARPOL annex III/4
Document of authorization for carriage of GrainAs required where grain is required to be carriedSOLAS 1974 as amended Chapter VI Regulation 9
Certificate of Insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liabilityAs per terms of agreement with regard to oil pollution damage TOVALOPCLC 1969 article VII
Enhanced Survey Report fileSOLAS 1974 Chapter XI/2, MARPOL annex I Regulation 13G
Specially for Gas Carriers
Certificate of fitness for carriage of liquefied gasses in bulkValid five years subject to annual and intermediate SurveysGC code Section 1.6Surveyed by Class SurveyorCertificate issued by The Registrar of Ship

About Ram Govindasamy

Here’s an improved version of your biography that maintains the essence while enhancing readability and flow: Ram Govindasamy is a seasoned marine engineer with specialized expertise in operating and managing large cruise ships, both in shipboard and shore-based roles. Leveraging his extensive experience, Ram founded Dieselship, a company dedicated to serving the maritime community through diverse offerings. Dieselship provides academic resources, develops innovative maritime software to streamline shipboard and shore-based operations, and supplies ship provisions and spare parts. A passionate computer enthusiast, Ram enjoys creating web-based applications, designing websites, and programming solutions. He is an active contributor to the maritime industry, authoring technical articles and producing educational videos for Dieselship and various other maritime platforms. Ram has a keen interest in Maritime Law and Technical Operations, and he thrives on collaborating with like-minded professionals. He is particularly enthusiastic about creating web-based platforms, asset maintenance and inventory management programs, and planned maintenance systems, fostering innovation and efficiency in the maritime sector.

One thought on “Various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board ships

  1. Varinderjit Singh says:

    Is it mandatory to have shore based medical chest certificate

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