
Marine Insurance


Definition: Marine insurance is a contract in which the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured against the future marine losses incidental to the marine adventure as per the agreed terms of contract.


What is Contract?

Offer = acceptance = Promise

Promise + consideration = Agreement

Agreement + Legal enforce-ability = contract


Insurance is a contract under exception to the condition of certainty- social security measure


It is an adventure in which:

  • Any property that is insured (Ship, Goods or Cargo) is exposed to maritime perils (Risks).
  • Any earnings or acquisitions of freight, commissions, profits, financial benefits, any security on advances, loans, disbursements etc. are endangered by exposure of the insured property to maritime perils. Ex: Bottomry Bond, Respondentia Bond.
  • Any liability to third party, which may be incurred by the owner, or any person responsible for the insured property is exposed to maritime perils.


Maritime Perils means the perils or dangers incidental to the navigation of the ship at sea. This Includes

  • Perils of the sea (Act of winds, waves and other forces of nature)
  • Fire
  • Act of war
  • Act of public enemies
  • Act of God/Vis Major/Force Majeure/ Force Major
  • Piracy
  • Robbery, theft or pilferage
  • Capture by alien enemy
  • Restraint of princes, detainment by rulers and government of people
  • Jettison
  • Any other perils similar to one at the land.



  • Loss of cargo caused by vessel striking upon a submerged rock or wreck
  • Loss due to fouling or collision
  • Loss brought about by ship’s crew by negligence so long is not willful
  • Loss or damage to grains due to ingress of moisture when the ship sails through rough weather.
  • Loss or damage to grains by heating of compartments when the ship sails through rough weather and the ventilations of the compartments are closed.
  • Damage of cargo caused by entrance of seawater through rat holes.



  • Loss or damage of cargo due to chemical reaction with seawater.
  • Action of worms on Timbers/Woods etc.
  • Death of cattle carried as cargo due to shortage of fodder on elongation of ship’s voyage.



  1. Voyage Policy
  2. Time Policy
  3. Mixed Policy (Voyage & Time)
  4. Construction or Builders Policy
  5. Dock or Port Policy
  6. Valued Policy
  7. Unvalued Policy
  8. Open Cover Policy
  9. Floating Policy



About Ram Govindasamy

Here’s an improved version of your biography that maintains the essence while enhancing readability and flow: Ram Govindasamy is a seasoned marine engineer with specialized expertise in operating and managing large cruise ships, both in shipboard and shore-based roles. Leveraging his extensive experience, Ram founded Dieselship, a company dedicated to serving the maritime community through diverse offerings. Dieselship provides academic resources, develops innovative maritime software to streamline shipboard and shore-based operations, and supplies ship provisions and spare parts. A passionate computer enthusiast, Ram enjoys creating web-based applications, designing websites, and programming solutions. He is an active contributor to the maritime industry, authoring technical articles and producing educational videos for Dieselship and various other maritime platforms. Ram has a keen interest in Maritime Law and Technical Operations, and he thrives on collaborating with like-minded professionals. He is particularly enthusiastic about creating web-based platforms, asset maintenance and inventory management programs, and planned maintenance systems, fostering innovation and efficiency in the maritime sector.

One thought on “Marine Insurance

  1. Ankit Kumar Singh says:

    Diagram is very illustrative.

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