Q8. A. Define longitudinal centre of gravity (LCG) and longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB).
B. A ship 120m long floats has draughts of 5.50m forward and 5.80m aft; MCT1 cm 80 tonne m, TPC 13, LCF 2.5m forward of midships. Calculate the new draughts when a mass of 110 tonne is added 24m aft of midships.
Q10.A. Describe briefly the significance of the factor of subdivision.
B. A ship of 8000 tonne displacement floats upright in seawater. KG = 7.6m and GM = 0.5m. A tank, KG is 0.6m above the keel and 3.5m from the centreline, contains 100 tonne of water ballast. Neglecting the free surface effect, calculate the angle which the ship will heel, when the ballast water is pumped out.
Q6. A. With reference to dynamical stability, describe the effect of an increase in wind pressure when a vessel is at its maximum angle of roll to windward.
B. A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has righting levers of 0, 0.38, 1.0, 1.41 and 1.2 m at angles of hell of 0 , 15 , 30 , 45 and 60 respectively and an assumed KG of 7.0 m. The vessel is loaded to this displacement but the KG is found to be 6.80m and GM 1.5m –
(i) Draw the amended stability curve; (ii) Estimate the dynamic stability at 60
Q5. A single screw vessel with a service speed of 15 knots is fitted with an unbalanced rectangular rudder 6 m deep and 4 m wide with an axis of rotation 0.2 m forward of the leading edge. At the maximum designed rudder angle of 35° the centre of effort is 30% of the rudder width from the leading edge. The force on the rudder normal to the plane of the rudder is given by the expression: Fn = 20.2 A v2α newtons
Where: A = rudder area (m2) v = ship speed (m/s) α = rudder helm angle (degrees)
The maximum stress on the rudder stock is to be limited to 70 MN/m2.
Calculate EACH of the following: (a) the minimum diameter of rudder stock required; (b) the percentage reduction in rudder stock diameter that would be achieved if the rudder was designed as a balanced rudder, with the axis of rotation 1.0 m aft of the leading edge.
Q7. A. what is the effect on fuel consumption per unit time, if the ship’s speed is outside its operation range? B. The frictional resistance of a ship in fresh water at 3m/s is 11N/m2. The ship has a wetted surface area of 2500m2 and the frictional resistance is 72% of the total resistance and varies as speed 1.92. If the effective power is 1100Kw, calculate the speed of the ship.
Q10. Describe with sketches the arrangement of a power operator sliding water light door. B. A watertight bulkhead 7.5m high has vertical stiffeners 0.75m apart, connected at the bottom by brackets having 10 rivets 20mm diameter in each arm. The bulkhead is flooded to the top on one side only with seawater calculate. (i) Shearing force at top and bottom; (ii) Position of zero shear; (iii) Shear stress in the rivets; Draw the load and shearing force diagrams.
Describe the effect of cavitation’s on
(i) The thrust and torque
(ii) the propeller blades.
(b) A ship of 355190 tonne displacement is 325 m long, 56m wide and floats in sea water of density 1025 kg/m3 at a draught of 22.4 m. The propeller has a diameter of 7.4 m, a pitch ratio of 0.85, and when rotating at 1.5 rev/s the real slip is 48.88% and the fuel consumption is 165 tonne per day.
The taylor wake fraction Wt=0.5Cb-0.05.
a) The speed in knots
b) The reduced speed at which the ship should travel if the fuel consumption in a voyage is to be halved.
C) the length of the voyage if the extra time on passage is six days when travelling at the reduced speed.
d) The amount of fuel required onboard before commencing on the voyage at the reduced speed.
Q7. A. What factors influence the frictional resistance of a ship and what formula is used to calculate the resistance?
B. A ship 120m long displaces 10500 tonne and has a wetted surface area of 3000m2. At 15 knots the shaft power is 4100KW, propulsive coefficient 0.6 and 55% of the thrust is available to overcome frictional resistance; calculate the shaft power required for a similar ship 140m long at the corresponding speed. f= 0.42 and n = 1.825
Q10. A. If resistance S V2 and S 2/3, derive the Admiralty Coefficient formula. B. A ship 160m long, 22m beam and 9.2m draught has a block coefficient of 0.765. The Pitch of the propeller is 4m and when it turns at 96 rev/min the true slip is 33%, the wake fraction 0.335 and shaft power 2900 Kw. Calculate the Admiralty Coefficient and the shaft power at 15 knots.
Q7. A. Explain the effect on GM during the filing of a double – bottom tank
B. An oil tanker 160m long and 22m beam floats at a draught of 9m in seawater. Cw is 0.865. The midships section is in the form of a rectangle with 1.2m radius at the bilges. A midships tank 10.5m long has twin longitudinal bulkheads and contains oil of 1.4 m3/t to a depth of 11.5m. The tank is holed to the sea for the whole of its transverse section. Find the new draught.
Q6. A. Describe the stability requirements of a ship for dry-docking.
b) A ship of 12000 tonne displacement has a rudder 15 m2 in area, whose centre is 5 m below the waterline. The metacentric height of the ship is 0.3 m and the centre of buoyancy is 3.3 m below the waterline. When travelling at 20 knots the rudder is turned through 30 degree. Find the initial angle of heel if the force Fr perpendicular to the plane of the rudder is given by:
Fr=577Av2 Sin a N
Allow 20% for the race effect. (10)
Q6. (A) Explain the concept of dynamical stability. (6)
b) A vessel of 8000 tonne displacement has 75 tonnes of cargo on the deck. It is lifted by a derrick whose head is 10.5m above the centre of gravity of the cargo and placed in the lower hold 9m below the deck and 14m forward of its original position. Calculate the shift in the vessel's centre of gravity from its original position when the cargo is: (10)
(i) just clear of the deck
(ii) at the derrick head
(iii) in its final position.
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