Q6. A box-shaped pontoon is 36 meters long, 4 meters wide and floats in salt water at drafts F-2.00m, A-4.00m. Find the new drafts if the pontoon now passes into fresh water.
Q9. A. Describe how the distribution of mass within the ship affects the rolling period;
B) The ½ ordinates of a water plane at 15m intervals, commencing from aft, are 1, 7, 10.5, 11, 11, 10.5, 8, 4 and 0m. Calculate:
(a). TPC;
(b). Distance of the centre of flotation from midships.
(c). Second moment of area of the water plane about a transverse axis through the centre of flotation.
Q9. A. What are the factors which determine the synchronous speed of a motor? (6)
B. A 72 KVA transformer supplies a heating and lighting load of 12 KW at unity power factor and a motor load of 70 kVA at 0.766 (lagging) power factor; Calculate the minimum rating of the power-factor improvement capacitors which must be connected in the circuit the ensure that the transformer does not become overloaded. (10)
Q7. a) Describe how water tightness is maintained where bulkheads are pierced by longitudinal beams or pipes. (6)
b) A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has an Admiralty Coefficient, based on shaft power, of 420. The mechanical efficiency of the machinery is 83%, shaft losses 6%, propeller efficiency 65% and QPC 0.71. At a particular speed the thrust power is 2550 Kw. (10)
Calculate: (i) Indicated power, (ii) Effective power, (iii) Ship speed.
Q6. (a) What is the purpose of conducting an inclining experiment on a new vessel? (6)
(b) When a mass of 6t is moved transversely through a certain distance on a ship of 4300t displacement, the deflection of an 11m pendulum is found to be 120 mm. The transverse meta-centre is 7.25 m above the keel and KG 5.46 m. Find the distance through which 6t was moved. (10)
Q6. The ratios of length, breadth and draught of a vessel are 18.5: 2.5: 1. The water plane area coefficient is 0.73 and the TPC is 0.77 more in sea water than in fresh water. Calculate the beam of the ship and TPC in fresh water. (16)
Q6. a) Explain, with reference to moments about the Centerline, how the list may be removed. (6)
b) A ship of 12,250 tonnes displacement, has KM=8 metres, KB=3.8 metres, KG=8 metres and is floating upright. Find the list if a weight of 2 tonnes, already on board, is shifted transversely through a horizontal distance of 12 metres assuming that the ship is wall-sided (10)
Q8. a) Describe in detail the method used to measure the capacitance of a capacitor.(6)
b) A circuit has a resistance of 3R and an inductance of 0.01 H. The voltage across its ends is 60V and the frequency is 50Hz. Calculate (a) the impedance. (b) the power factor (c) the power absorbed.(10)
Q7. In the following circuit, E1 = 13 V, E2 = 19.5 V, R1 = 5 W, R2 = 7 W, R3 = 9 W. Find the current flowing through each resistor. (16)
Q8. (a) Explain how fluorescent tubes power factor is improved. (6)
(b) A fluorescent lamp taking 80W at 0.7 power factor lagging from a 230V, 50-Hz supply is to be connected to unity power factor. Determine the value of the correcting approach required. (10)
Q10.a) Draw the complete phasor diagram of the transformer under no-load conditions. (6)
b) The following results were obtained on a 50 KVA transformer: open circuit test-primary voltage, 3300 V; secondary voltage, 415 V; primary power, 430 W. Short circuit test primary voltage, 124 V; primary current, 15.3 A; primary power, 525 W; secondary current full load value. Calculate: (10)
(i) The efficiencies at full load and at half load for 0.7 power factor
(ii) The Voltage regulations for power factor 0.7 (i) lagging, (ii) leading
(iii) The secondary terminal voltages corresponding to (i) and (ii)
Q8. (a) Explain what is meant by 'assigned summer freeboard' (6)
(b) A box-shaped vessel 60m long, 10m beam, and 6m deep, is floating in salt water at drafts 4m Forward and 4.4 m. Aft. Find how far forward of amidships a weight of 30 tonnes must be loaded if the draft aft is to remain at 4.4m. (10)
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