Q8. A box barge of 60m long and 10m wide floats at a level keel draught of 3m. Its centre of gravity is 2.5m above the keel. Determine the end draughts if an empty, fore end compartment 9m long is laid open to the sea.
Q8. A. Explain the use of KN curves.
B. The half breadths of the load waterplane of a ship 150 m long commencing from aft, are 0.3. 3.8. 6.0, 7.7,,, and 0 m respectively. Calculate: (a) area of waterplane (b) distance of centroid from amidships (c) second moment of area about a transverse axis through centroid.
Q9. A. Explain the term volumetric heeling moments.
B. A ship 85m long displaces 8100 tonne when floating in seawater at draughts of 5.25m forward and 5.55m aft. TPC 9.0, GML 96m, LCF 2m aft of midships. It is decided to introduce water ballast to completely submerge the propeller and a draught aft of 5.85m is required. A ballast tank 33m aft of midships is available. Find the least amount of water required and the final draught forward.
Q9. A ship of 6000 tonne displacement has a wetted surface area of 2500 m2 and a speed of 15 knots. Calculate the corresponding speed and wetted surface area of as similar ship of 2000 tonne displacement. (i) If the ship resistance is of the form R=0.45 S V1.83 N; find the resistance of the 6000 tonne Ship.
Q9: A. Explain how trim occurs, and explain the effect of trim on tank soundings. B. A ship 150 metres long arrives at the mouth of a river with drafts 5.5m. F and 6.3m A MCT 1 cm. 200 tonnes-m. TPC 15 tonnes. Centre of flotation is 1.5m. aft of amidships. The ship has then to proceed up the river where the maximum draft permissible is 6.2m. It is decided that SW ballast will be run into the forepeak tank to reduce the draft aft to 6.2m. If the canter of gravity of the forepeak tank is 60 metres forward of the center of flotation, find the minimum amount of water which must be run in and also find the final draft forward.
Q8. (a) Explain what is meant by left and right handed propellers, and also explain the rotation of propellers in a twin-screw ship.
b) A ship 120m long displaces 8000 tonne, GML is 102m, TPC 17.5 and LCF 2m aft of midships. It arrives in port with draughts of 6.3m forward and 6.6m aft.
During the voyage the following changes in loading have taken place:
Fuel used 200 tonne 18m forward of midships
Water used 100 tonne 3m aft of midships
Stores used 10 tonne 9m aft of midships
Ballast added 300 tonne 24m forward of midships
Calculate the original draughts. (10)
Q10. A. What is back emf? Derive the relation for the back emf and the supplied voltage in terms of armature resistance. (6)
B. Find the synchronous impedance reactance of an alternator in which a given field current produces an armature current of 200 A on short circuit and a generated e.m.f. of 50V on open circuit. The armature resistance is 0.1 ohm. To what induced voltage must the alternator be excited if it is to deliver a load of 100A at a p.f of 0.8 lagging, with a terminal voltage of 200V. (10)
Q6. a) Define centre of buoyancy and show with the aid of sketches how a vessel which is Stable will return to the upright after being heeled by an external force (6)
b) A ship of 15000 tonne displacement has an Admiralty Coefficient, based on shaft power, of 420. The mechanical efficiency of the machinery is 83%, shaft losses 6%, propeller efficiency 65% and QPC 0.71. At a particular speed the thrust power is 2550 kW. (10)
(i) Indicated power
(ii) Effective power
(iii) Ship speed.
Q7. A ship consumes 360 t of fuel, stores and water when moving from sea water of 1.025 t/m3 into fresh water of 1.000 t/m3 and on arrival it is found that the draught has remained constant.
Calculate the displacement in sea water. (16)
Q7. a) Explain with the aid of a simple sketch ullage and sounding of a tank. (6)
b) A deep tank 10 m wide and 10 m deep has a rectangular manhole of 1.2 m X 0.6 m at the forward end. The longer sides of the manhole are horizontal and its lower edge is 0.7 m from the bottom of the tank. Find the thrust experienced by the manhole cover when the tank has oil of RD 0.8 to an ullage of 1 m. (10)
Q7. a) What is Kirchoff’s current Law. (6)
b) Calculate the value of I2 in the circuit, when I1= 3A. (10)
Q8. Find the p.d between A-B and B-C shown in the figure below. (16)
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