Q1. A. Explain the purpose of the rudder carrier and pintles.
B. The speed of a ship is increased to 18% above normal for 7.5 hours, and then reduced to 9% below normal for 10 hours. The speed is then reduced for the remainder of the day so that the consumption for the day is the normal amount. Find the percentage difference between the distance travelled in that day and the normal distance travelled per day.
Q8. A. Explain the purpose of non-watertight longitudinal subdivision of tanks.
b) A box -barge 30 m long and 9 m beam floats at a draught of 3 m. The centre of gravity lies on the centreline and KG is 3.50 m. A mass of 10 tonne, which is already on board, is now moved 6m across the ship.
i) Estimate the angle to which the vessel will heel, using the formula
ii) Compare the above result with the angle of heel obtained by the metacentric formula. (10)
Q6. A. Describe the stability requirements of a ship for dry-docking.
B. A ship of 8000 tonne displacement, 110m long, floats in sea water of 1.024t/m3 at draughts of 6m forward and 6.3 m aft. The TPC is 16, LCB 0.6 m aft of midships, LCF 3m aft of midships and MCT1cm 65 tonne m, the vessel now moves into fresh water of 1.000t/m3. Calculate the distance a mass of 50 tonne must be moved to bring the vessel to an even keel and determine the final draught.
Q7. A. Derive an expression for the e.m.f induced in an a.c. generator. (6)
B. A 220 V, d.c. shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.5 ohm and an armature current of 40 A on full load. Determine the reduction in flux necessary for a 50 per cent reduction in speed. The torque for both conditions can be assumed to remain constant. (10)
Q9. A. List the precautions necessary before an inclining experiment is carried out.
Q9. a) Explain why an unstable ship is dangerous. (6)
(b) A vessel travelling at 17 knots turns with a radius of 450 m when the rudder is put hard over. The centre of gravity is 7 m above the keel, the transverse metacentre 7.45 m above the keel and the centre of buoyancy 4 m above the keel. If the centripetal force is assumed to act at the centre of buoyancy, calculate the angle of heel when turning. The rudder force may be ignored. (10)
Q7. A box barge 25 m long and 4 m wide floats in fresh water at a draught of 1.2 m and has an empty mid length compartment 5 m long. The bottom of the barge is lined with teak (rd 0.805) 120 mm thick. After grounding all the teak is torn off and the centre compartment laid open to the sea. Calculate the final draught. (16)
Q7. a) What is self-induction? (6)
b) A coil of 800 turns is wound on a wooden former and a current of 5A is passed through it to produce a magnetic flux of 200 micro-webers. Calculate the average value of e.m.f. induced in the coil when the current is
i) switched off in 0.08 seconds
ii) reversed in 0.2 seconds. (10)
Q9). a) Define Work, power and efficiency (6)
b) A battery is charged with a constant current of 16 amperes for 11 hours after which time it is considered to be fully charged, its voltage per cell being recorded as 2.2V. Find its ampere hour efficiency if it is
(1) Discharged at a rate of 16 amperes for 10 hours, and
(2) 28 amperes for 4 hours.
In either case discharge was discontinued when the voltage per cell fell to 1.8 V. (10)
Q9. (a) Explain what is meant by phase difference between voltage and current values. (6) (b) An inductance coil has a resistance of 19.5Ω and when connected to a 220V, 50Hz supply, the current passing is 10A. Find the inductance of the coil. (10)
Q8. (a) Describe the effect of running an induction motor on reduced voltage.
(b) A motor takes a current of 60 amperes at 230 volts, the power input being 12 kW. Calculate the power component and the reactive component of the input current. (10)
Q8. (a) What is a 'mast riser' and what is the purpose of it? (6)
(b) A ship 96 m long is floating at 5m fwd draft and 6.4 m aft draft, MCTC 180 tm, TPC 16. COF is 2 m abaft of midships. Find the location where a weight of 50t should be placed so as to keep the aft draft constant. (10)
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