Q3. (a) With a sketch of the fuel line diagram explain the bunkering process and the checks to be undertaken before bunkering, during and after completion of the bunkering operation. (10)
(b) What are the safety features of the fuel line? (6)
Q6. As Second Engineer of a new ship,
a) Prepare standing orders for all future bunkering operations onboard. (7)
b) State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers taken. (7)
c) Briefly discuss Marpol sample, In-use sample and on board Sample. (6)
Q4. a) Explain why bunkering is considered a hazardous operation? What type of casualty can occur during bunkering? Discuss the implications of such incidents, if so happens. (10)
b) Name the bunkering procedure to be followed.
i) in preparation of receiving bunkers. (4)
ii) while receiving bunkers. (3)
iii) on completion of bunkering. (3)
Q5. With reference to bunkering on board vessel describe the following
a) Initial preparation for H.O. & D.O. bunkering. (7)
b) Precautions for overflow during bunkering. (7)
c) Method of taking soundings during bunkering and operation of line valves (6)
Q4. Explain the procedures to be followed before, during and after taking bunker and
transferring of the bunker; (8)
(i) state the checklists to be adopted before, during and after bunkering. (4)
(ii) Make a schematic showing the storage and fuel transfer lines on board. (4)
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