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MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2023/JUN/08

Q8. (a) Explain what is meant by left and right handed propellers, and also explain the rotation of propellers in a twin-screw ship.

b) A ship 120m long displaces 8000 tonne, GML is 102m, TPC 17.5 and LCF 2m aft of midships. It arrives in port with draughts of 6.3m forward and 6.6m aft.

During the voyage the following changes in loading have taken place:

Fuel used          200 tonne         18m forward of midships

Water used        100 tonne         3m aft of midships

Stores used        10 tonne           9m aft of midships

Ballast added     300 tonne         24m forward of midships

Calculate the original draughts. (10)

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