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MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2023/APR/06 – 2018/AUG/10 – 2024/OCT/10

Q6. A. Describe the stability requirements of a ship for dry-docking.

B. A ship of 8000 tonne displacement, 110m long, floats in sea water of 1.024t/m3 at draughts of 6m forward and 6.3 m aft. The TPC is 16, LCB 0.6 m aft of midships, LCF 3m aft of midships and MCT1cm 65 tonne m, the vessel now moves into fresh water of 1.000t/m3. Calculate the distance a mass of 50 tonne must be moved to bring the vessel to an even keel and determine the final draught.

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