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MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2010/OCT/** – 2012/JUL/08 – 2013/APR/08 – 2013/JUN/08 – 2013/JUL/08 – 2015/APR/08 – 2016/JUL/02 – 2018/JUL/01 – 2012/DEC/08

Q1. A. Explain the purpose of the rudder carrier and pintles.

B. The speed of a ship is increased to 18% above normal for 7.5 hours, and then reduced to 9% below normal for 10 hours. The speed is then reduced for the remainder of the day so that the consumption for the day is the normal amount. Find the percentage difference between the distance travelled in that day and the normal distance travelled per day.

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