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MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2022/SEP/09

Q9. a) Explain the concept of Dynamical stability. (6)

b) The wetted surface area of a container ship is 5946 m2, when travelling at its service speed, the effective power required is 11250 KW with frictional resistance 74% of the total resistance and specific fud consumption of 0.22 Kg/kW h. To conserve fuel, the ship speed is reduced by 10%, the daily fuel consumption is then found to be 83.0 tonne

Frictional coefficient in sea water is 1.432.

Speed in m/s with index (n) 1.825.

Propulsive coefficient may be. assumed constant at 0.6.


the service speed of the ship

the percentage increase in specific: fuel consumption when running at reduced speed. (10)

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