MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2011/FEB/08 – 2012/JUN/08 – 2013/NOV/08 – 2014/AUG/08 – 2015/FEB/08 – 2016/DEC/08 – 2023/JUL/08 – 2024/JUL/08 – 2024/DEC/08
Q8. A) Explain how the distribution of masses affects rolling and pitching. (6)
B) A ship turns in a circle of radius 100 metres at a speed of 15 knots. The GM is 2/3 metres and BG is 1 metre. If g = 981 cm/sec2 and 1 knot is equal to 1.8532 Km/hour, find the heel due to turning. (10)
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