MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2012/AUG/07 – 2013/AUG/10 – 2013/OCT/07 – 2013/DEC/07 – 2014/SEP/07 – 2014/OCT/07 – 2015/JAN/07 – 2015/MAR/07 – 2016/OCT/07 – 2017/SEP/07
Q7. A. Distinguish between ships of Type “A” and Type “B” for the purpose of computation of free board, B. The draughts of a ship 170m long are 6.8.5 m forward and 7.50m aft MCTI cm 300 tonn m; TPC 28; LCF 3.5m forward of midships. Calculate the new draughts after the following changes in loading have taken place. 160 tonne added 63 m aft of midships; 200 tonne added 27m forward of midships; 120 tonne removed 75 m aft of midships; 70 tonne removed 16 m aft of midships
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