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MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2018/FEB/10

Q10. A ship of 10000 tonne displacement floats in sea water of density 1025 kg/m3 at a draught of 6m. A rectangular tank 10m long and 8m wide is partially full of oil fuel of density 900 kg/m3. In this condition, the KG of the ship is 6.25m.

Other hydrostatic data for the above condition are:

Centre of buoyancy above the keel (KB) = 3.325m

Transverse metacentre above the centre of buoyancy (BM) = 4.865m

Tonnes per centimetre immersion (TPC) = 20.5

Calculate the change in effective metacentric height when a rectangular tank 12m long, 10m wide and 6m deep, with its base 1 m above the keel, is filled to a depth of 5m with sea water ballast.

NOTE: Assume the ship to be wa11sided over the affected range of draught

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