MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2018/SEP/10 – 2019/MAR/10 – 2019/JUL/10 – 2019/NOV/09 – 2021/APR/09 – 2024/JUN/10
Q10. With reference to fixed pitch propellers:
a. Explain Propeller Slip and Propeller Thrust. (6)
b. The shaft power of a ship is 3000 KW, the ship’s speed V is 13.2 knot. Propeller rps is 1.27. Propeller pitch is 5.5m and the speed of advance is 11 Knots. Find:
i. Real Slip
ii. Wake fraction
iii. Propeller thrust, when its efficiency, η = 70% (10)
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