MEO Class II – NAVAL : 2012/APR/08 – 2012/AUG/10 – 2014/SEP/10 – 2014/OCT/10 – 2015/JAN/10 – 2015/MAR/10 – 2016/OCT/10 – 2017/SEP/10 – 2020/NOV/09 – 2022/JAN/09
Q9. A. Describe measures which may be taken to improve the stability or trim of a damaged ships.
B. A ship 85m long displaces 8100 tonne when floating in seawater at draughts of 5.25m forward and 5.55m aft. TPC 9.0, GML 96m, LCF 2m aft of midships. It is decided to introduce water ballast to completely submerge the propeller and a draught aft of 5.85m is required. A ballast tank 33m aft of midships is available. Find the least amount of water required and the final draught forward.
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