MEO Class II – MET : 2011/OCT/08 – 2022/AUG/09 – 2022/SEP/09 – 2023/AUG/08 – 2024/JAN/09
Q8. A. Explain the purpose of interlopes and state their magnetic polarity relative to the main poles of both generators and motors.
A 200V, long-shunt compound-wound generator has a full-load output of 20kW. The various resistances are as follows; armature (including brush contact) 0.15 ohm, series field 0.025 ohm, interpole field 0.028 ohm, shunt field (including the field-regulator resistance) 115 ohm. The iron losses at full load are 780W, and the friction and wind age losses 590W. Calculate the efficiency at full load.
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