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MEO Class II – MET : 2013/OCT/08 – 2014/JUL/10 – 2014/SEP/10 – 2015/SEP/10 – 2017/SEP/10 – 2017/DEC/10 – 2012/SEP/10

Q10. A. List the factors that determine the starting torque of the three-phase induction motor. How does this torque generally compare with the value of the rated torque? B. A twelve-pole, three-phase, delta-connected alternator runs at 600 rev/min and supplies a balanced star-connected load. Each phase of the load is a coil of resistance 35 ohm and inductive reactance 25 ohm. The line terminal voltage of the alternator is 440V. Determine (a) frequency of supply, (b) current in each coil, (c) current in each phase of the alternator, (d) total power supplied to the load.

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