Q8. (a) Describe the function of Thrust bearing (4)
(b) Draw diagrammatic sketch of Thrust bearing and show the lubrication of each part (8)
(c) Describe the lubrication problems of thrust bearing (4)
Q9. (a) Why is the axial clearance of a main thrust bearing an important dimension? (6)
(b) How is this clearance measured? (6)
(c) Describe how the thrust pads are removed for inspection and state what you would look for in particular. (4)
Q2.a) Explain the function of thrust bearings in marine engines and why they are critical for the propulsion system. Define the roles of ahead and astern thrust bearings in marine propulsion systems. Why is it essential to have both types of thrust bearings in a ship’s main engine setup. (8)
b) Explain how the ahead and astern thrust bearings handle the directional thrust generated by the propeller. Discuss the procedures for monitoring their condition and ensuring they are adequately supporting the load in both operational directions. (8)
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