Q1. (a) What are the various Static stresses that act on a vessel at rest in still water? Explain with the aid of sketches. (10)
(b) Give examples for dynamic stresses on a vessel? (6)
Q2.a) Write short notes on panting, pounding and Raking (8)
b) Explain with the aid of simple sketches hogging and sagging of a vessel (8)
Q4. a) Explain what is meant by 'panting' and 'pounding' and state which parts of the ship are affected? (8)
b) Describe in brief the loading conditions which give rise to hogging and sagging stresses. (8)
Q4. Define the following stating how they affect the ship structure and what component parts of the ship structure help to resist the effect:
(a) Racking (4)
(b) Panting (4)
(c) Pounding (4)
(d) Vibration from engine and propellers. (4)
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