Q4. (A) Discuss what you understand by directional stability and manoeuvring. How are these attributes provided in a ship?
(B) Using typical engine power versus engine speed diagram and propeller demand curves, discuss the relation between the maximum rated output of the propulsion plant and the power for which the propeller is designed.
Q6. A. Describe the stability requirements of a ship for dry-docking.
B. A ship of 8000 tonne displacement, 110m long, floats in sea water of 1.024t/m3 at draughts of 6m forward and 6.3 m aft. The TPC is 16, LCB 0.6 m aft of midships, LCF 3m aft of midships and MCT1cm 65 tonne m, the vessel now moves into fresh water of 1.000t/m3. Calculate the distance a mass of 50 tonne must be moved to bring the vessel to an even keel and determine the final draught.
Q4. Define centre of buoyancy and show with the aid of sketches how a vessel which is stable will return to the upright after being heeled by an external force. (16)
Q3. With regards to the metacentric height, which of the following statements is true? (16)
(a) It is used to indicate the quality of initial stability.
(b) It is located below the center of buoyancy.
(c) It is measured vertically above the center of buoyancy.
(d) Its determination is the objective of the inclining experiment. Briefly justify your answer.
Q2. A virtual rise in the centre of gravity of a ship may be caused by (16)
(a) Filling a partially filled tank
(b) Using an onboard crane to lift a freely swinging heavy object
(c) Emptying a partially filled tank
(d) Transferring pipe from the setback area to the pipe rack Briefly Justify your Answer
Q5. What do you understand by 'Free surface effect' and how does it affect the ship's stability? (16)
Q1. For a ship the center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the buoyant force.
(a) Only when there is positive stability
(b) Only when there is negative stability
(c) Only when there is neutral stability
(d) At all times
Justify your answer.
Q5. (a) What is the significance of GM-GZ curve (10)
(b) What is meant by stability criteria of a ship (6)
Q2. In the absence of external forces, adding weight to one side of a floating vessel, will cause the vessel to (16)
(a) Heel until the angle of loll is reached.
(b) List until the centre of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the centre of gravity.
(c) Trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equal.
(d) Decrease draft at the centre of flotation.
Briefly justify your answer.
Q2. a) Define the angle of loll with sketches and explain the conditions that lead to its occurrence on a vessel. (8)
b) Discuss the risk associated with an angle of loll and the corrective actions that can be taken to resolve the ship to an upright and stable condition. (8)
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