Q8. With reference to Port State Control: A. State the various MOU’s and the purpose of having a port state control regime; B. Give at least 3 examples of deficiency which may lead to detention of your vessel; C. If your vessel gets detained by the PSCO owing to a deficiency, what woul be your action for redressal.
Q7. During a port State control inspection, the PSCO desired to carry out detailed inspection of the vessel.
a) What are clear grounds for a PSCO to conduct a more detailed inspection? State your answer with examples. (8)
b) What is the difference between 'corrective action' and 'preventive action. (8)
Q3. reference to Port State control inspection.
a. What are "clear grounds" for a port State Control Officer to conduct a more detailed inspection of the ship?
b. List out some deficiencies which may arise out of the PSC inspection of the vessel with respect to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships, Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM), which may lead to detention of the vessel.
C. Explain whether a foreign vessel with serious deficiencies regarding the Ballast Water treatment system can be detained by the Indian PSCO. Provide reasoned response for your answer.
Q3. With reference to port State control inspection.
a) What are "clear grounds" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct a more detailed inspection of the ship? (6)
b) List out five deficiencies, which may lead to detention of the vessel. Also, enumerate the cause of such deficiency and preventive action you, as Chief Engineer, will take to avoid re-occurrence of such detainable deficiencies. (6)
c) Identify possible scenarios that could lead to the issuance of PR17 by RO. (4)
Q9. With reference to port State control
a) List the certificates which a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) may like to see during inspection. (10)
b) List the Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Equipments which are likely to be inspected by PSCO. (10)
Q9. Explain the principle of port State control and give in detail the verification , the Port State Control Officer may carry out with reference to the following:
a) Emergency generator (4)
b) Auxiliary steering gear (3)
c) Lifeboat engine (3)
d) Bilge pump (3)
e) SOPEP (3)
Q8. Explain how PSC is different from FSC/FSI? Discuss Clear Grounds under SOLAS, MARPOL and the STCW with examples. (16)
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