Q8. With reference to oil/water separators:
A. Describe with the aid of a sketch, the working of such a separator. (6)
B. Explain the consequence if the interface detector position is incorrect. (5)
C. Enumerate the various possibilities by which oil / water interface can be moved. (6)
Q7. a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oil-water separator in series with a coalescing second stage. (10)
b) Describe the arrangement and operation of the separator sketched in (a). (10)
Q7. a) Describe the purpose of type approval for oily water separators (OWS) on ships. What criteria must an OWS meet to receive type approval, and why is this important for marine environmental compliance? (10)
b) Explain the main difference between the MEPC 60(33) and MEPC 107(49) standards for oily water separators. How did the updates in MEPC 107(49) enhance the performance requirements and monitoring capabilities for oily water separation, and what additional compliance measures were introduced? (10)
Q8. (a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oily water separator in series with a coalescing second stage. (10)
(b) Briefly describe the above arrangement and its operations also state the allowable oil content in p. p. m. of the discharge effluent from such an arrangement. (10)
Q7. (a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oily water separator in series with a coalescing second stage (8)
(b) Briefly describe the above arrangement and its operations also state the allowable oil content in p.p.m. of the discharge effluent from such an arrangement (8)
(c) Explain how oil density and temperature relate to separation (4)
Q9. With reference to oily water separators: -
A. Describe with the aid of a sketch, the working of such a separator.
B. Explain the consequence if the interface detector position is incorrect.
Q9. With reference to an oil/ water separator:
a) (i) Sketch such a device (4)
(ii) Describe the passage of oil/water mixture from the delivery of pump to the outlets of the separator. (4)
b) State how oil density and temperature affect the case of separation of oil from water. (4)
c) State how the movement of oil on board ship or its discharge and the discharge of oily-bilge or ballast water overboard is recorded. (4)
Q9. With reference to MARPOL Annex I:
a) Draw a 15 ppm oily water separator and explain the principles of operation (8)
b) Periodical maintenance and checks tests required to be done to verify the effectiveness of the above system. (8)
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