Q1. Crankcase oil mist detectors have undergone a lot of changes in recent years. Compare the modern types with multiple sensor units with the traditional single sensor type, where sampling was done sequentially. What is meant be addressable sensors.
Q4. a) Whils't on ‘seawatch’ you observe that the Oil Mist detector (OMD) in the engine room has triggered an alarm, and in feeling the crankcase doors on the bottom platform, you find that the unit in question feels warmer than the rest. What pre-emptive action will you take as Watch-keeper to bring the situation under control. (10)
b) Draw a simple line diagram of an ‘OMD’ and explain it’s working. (6)
Q8. (a) Describe crank case Oil Mist Detector and the principle of its operation. (8) (b) Draw crank case explosion relief door and name the parts. State pressure setting of the door. (8)
Q6. Sketch and describe the operation of a crankcase oil mist detector. What operational maintenance does this instrument require for efficient performance. (16)
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