Q1. Write short notes on the following pertaining to the use of copper alloys in seawater systems.
a. Use of copper nickel and formation of protective film for use in seawater. (4)
b. Cavitation. (4)
c. Dezincification. (4)
d. Marine biofouling. (4)
Q7. (a) Describe each of following: (8)
(i) Work hardening
(ii) Nitriding
(iii) Cold working
(iv) Normalising
(b) With reference to the component parts of shipboard machinery and equipment, state with reason, One example of where EACH of (a), (i) (ii), (iii) and (iv) may be used. (8)
Q1. i) Draw the stress Vs strain curve showing the different phases of change that occurs when an elastic material is subjected to load. (5)
ii) What is plastic deformation of material and how it is caused? Explain yield stress & how strain hardening is caused? Where is this phenomenon successfully used? (6)
iii) Explain fatigue and how fatigue failure occurs? suggest means in practice as to how fatigue failure can we avoided. (5)
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