Q3. Write short notes on
(a) Garbage Record Book (5)
(b) Discharge criteria as per Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 (5)
(c) High pressure Water mist system in the engine room (5)
(d) Safeties in a pump room of an oil tanker (5)
Q6. (a) What are 'harmful substances in packaged form' and which part of MARPOL is concerned with these types of substances? (6)
(b) State the objectives of IMDG code. State it's principles; Which part of SOLAS can be related to this code. (6)
(c) What are the packaging groups/classes associated with this code? (8)
Q9. With reference to MARPOL 73/78:
(a) Explain the purpose of an Oil record book? (4)
(b) What are the regulations concerning above requirement? (4)
(c) What are the entries made in the Oil Record Book Part-1? (4)
(d) What is SOPEP? List the items you find inside a SOPEP locker? (4)
(e) With the aid of a checklist, illustrate the precautionary measures during bunkering and after completion of the operation. (4)
Q2. a) What are the different types of garbages that are generated on board as per Marpol Annex V, and what are the provisions for dealing with them? (10)
b) State the requirements for maintaining Garbage management plan and Garbage Record Book, Name the entries to be made in garbage record book. (10)
Q6. What are the various Annexes to the MARPOL 78 convention. Briefly state, what each one of the Annex signifies and the key regulations within each (20)
Q7. with reference to MARPOL 73/78:
a) Explain the purpose of an oil record book? (2)
b) What is the regulation concerning above requirement? (2)
c) What all is recorded in oil record book part-1? (2)
d) What is SOPEP? (2)
e) What are the contents of a SOPEP locker? (4)
f) Prepare a Pre-Bunkering checklist. (4)
g) Precautions to be taken during bunkering (4)
Q7. With reference to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 that deals with the prevention of pollution of the sea by garbage from ships –
a) Define the following terms.
i) Garbage
ii) Nearest land
iii) Special areas (8)
b) State the regulations governing the disposal of garbage outside special areas. (8)
Q4. With reference to MARPOL Annex IV; A. Draw a biological sewage treatment plant and explain the principle of operation B. Periodical maintenance and checks and tests required to be done to verify the effectiveness of the above system.
Q9. a) Briefly describe the environmental impact of Nox and Sox and allowable limitations as per Annex VI of MARPOL in emissions control areas and outside emission control areas. (8)
b) Briefly describe methods to control Nox emission. (8)
Q5. a) What are the Sulphur limits for fuel in use under MARPOL? (5)
b) What happens if compliant fuel cannot be obtained in the port of bunkering? (5)
c) What if the Sulphur analysis resulting from a commercial analysis does not match the bunker delivery note? (5)
d) What are the timelines for installation of “in use” fuel sampling points on ships? Does it apply for existing ships? (5)
Q9. With reference to MARPOL Annex IV a) Draw a biological sewage treatment plant and explain the principle of operation. (8) b) Periodical maintenance and checks and tests required to be done to verify the effectiveness of the above system. (8)
Q2. i) What is the definition of garbage on ships and what all types of garbage are there onboard. (8)
ii) Which Annex of MARPOL is concerned with the prevention of pollution from garbage? Name any certificate/record associated with needs to be carried on ship. (6)
iii) Name the special areas under the Marpol Annex related to Garbage. (6)
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