Q6. Why does a ship require Marine Insurance cover? Explain Hull Claims and Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance. State the related documents and information required from the ship in this regard highlighting their validity.
Q4. State the different types of marine insurance policies that could be taken by owners, shippers or other related parties. Explain the salient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer. Name the various agencies in India which deal with marine insurance policies.
Q5. What are the perils of the sea which are covered in a Marine Insurance contract? What can an insured do to cover a peril other than an insured peril of the sea? Explain with examples. Also enumerate the perils which are covered under a marine insurance contract, but the onus of proof is upon the insurers to prove the assured's want of "due diligence" to avoid the claim. (16)
Q6. Explain the term liability. Explain with examples, differences between contractual and tortuous liabilities of a ship owner.
A. What is vicarious liability.
B. What is the significance of the Himalaya clause and where is it used.
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