Q9. Compare the desirable qualities of the lubricating oil selected for each of the following duties:
a) Auxiliary diesel engines. (4)
b) Stern tube bearings. (4)
c) Refrigeration compressors. (4)
d) Gear case of purifier. (4)
Give reasons for the differing properties of the oils recommended for these four purposes.
Q3. State with reasons which one of the following would most help to correct a pronounced discoloration of the M/E lubricating oil (16)
a) "Make up" from reserve tanks.
b) Increase purifier throughput.
c) Increase frequency of filter pack cleaning.
d) Overhaul piston rod stuffing boxes.
e) check tank top Integrity of sump tank.
Q9. With reference to the modern analysis techniques employed for the condition analysis of Lubricating Oil, briefly discuss following (16)
a) Elemental (Spectrometric) Analysis
b) Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
c) Particle Count
d) Base Number Vs Acid Number
Q2. (a) List and explain the desirable properties of lubricating oil for different application such as for main engine, auxiliary engine and for cylinder lubrication. (8)
(b) Sketch an auxiliary engine lubricating oil circuit. (8)
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