Q3. a) What do you understand by the terms Convention, Protocol, Amendments? State in which order these will be adopted by the IMO? (10)
b) What procedure is nowadays followed for putting the amendments into effect? (10)
Q1. List at least 2 conventions of the IMO under each heading- (1) safety, (2) environmental protection, and (3) liability and compensation. For each convention briefly discuss its objectives and main contents.
Q8. i) List out six of the key IMO conventions, in force till date, stating their significance. (10)
ii) What is meant by the term enforcement? Explain in simple terms. (6)
Q9. Briefly state requirement of the following certificates as per the IMO Conventions, and what are their validity periods:
a) DOC and SMC (8)
b) SAFCON (6)
c) IOPP (6)
Q7. i) Explain the function of IMO as one of UN specialised agencies. (6)
ii) Briefly explain the structure of IMO including the main committees. (7)
iii) Explain the process of adopting a convention at IMO. (7)
Q5. (a) Name and describe in detail any three mandatory IMO Codes. Explain their significant features. (15)
(b) What do you understand by the term 'Protocol to a convention' Give examples. (5)
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