Q9. What is the purpose of IMO’s Liability and compensation conventions in relation to pollution due to oil and NLS? Name and conventions. State the salient features of Bunkers convention and explain why this convention was needed.
Q4. (a) Describe the structure of IMO. Specify the responsibilities and work done by the Assembly, the Council and various main committees. What role do the sub committees perform in supporting the main committees? (8)
(b) Define a convention. Explain the differences in international instruments such as Convention, Protocol, Code and Resolution. Give at least one example of each. (8)
Q2. (a) What are the short-term measures devised by IMO for controlling the emission of Green House gases (5)
(b) State the measures and how they will take effect. What size of ships are these rules applicable to? (5)
(c) What documents will be required to be carried on board under the new regulations? (5)
(d) What is SEEMP Part III? State its contents (5)
Q3. a) Gender Equality is one of the goals of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Discuss the importance of gender diversity in the maritime industry and the challenges faced by women in this sector.(8)
b) Explain the role of the international Maritime Organization (IMO) in promoting gender equality in shipping and elaborate on the initiatives taken by the Indian government to reduce the gender gap in the maritime workforce. (8)
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