Q5. Sketch and describe a device employed for continuous monitoring of the viscosity of heavy fuel oil being supplied to a main engine (16)
Q1. Efficient smooth combustion depends upon some or all of the following: (16)
(a) A sufficiently high temperature to effect ignition
(b) A large delay period or ignition lag
(c) A minimum of after burning
(d) A large and rapid rate of pressure rise during the second stage of combustion
(e) Rapid heat losses to the walls Give the correct answer with adequate justification
Q2. (a) Write a letter to the company Technical Manager Stating with reasons, why the fuel bunkered in the last port is of very poor quality (10)
(b) Briefly describe the mitigatory measures that can be taken to reduce the impact of poor bunker quality (6)
Q8. (a) What do you understand by Specific Fuel Oil Consumption? Give some examples of SFOC for a two stroke engine and the auxiliary engines. (6)
(b) Explain the terms: (10)
(i) Flash point
(ii) Pour point
(iii) Calorific value
(iv) CCAI value
(v) Octane number and
(vi) Cetane number
Q3. With respect to the properties of fuel oil, explain the significance of the following terms.
(a) Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI). (4)
(b) The importance of Sodium to Vanadium Ratio. (4)
(c) Sulphur content. (4)
(d) Pour point. (4)
Q6. (a) Explain fuel oil treatment process on board, before it is fit for use in main and auxiliary engines (8)
(b) What is the sign of incompatible fuel oil? What action is taken when incompatibility or not? (4)
(c) What is series purification of fuel oil, when it is required to be put in operation? (4)
Q3. (a) State why jacketed fuel pipes are employed for protection of high-pressure fuel delivery lines between the high-pressure fuel pumps and fuel injectors. (4)
(b) Sketch and describe such a jacketed pipe arrangement and show how high-pressure pipe failure is indicated. (12)
Q6. (a) Sketch and describe a fuel oil system of a large diesel engine, from settling tanks to main engine fuel injectors. (10)
(b) Also, comment on the importance of,
(i) Heating arrangement with temperature control (2)
(ii) Prevention of air lock in the system (2)
(iii) Purification of fuel (2)
Q1. i) Sketch and describe using a Fuel oil treatment before injection. (10)
ii) What is the purpose of centrifuging fuel and how gravity disc is selected? (3)
iii) Why homogenisers and fine filters are used downstream? (3)
Q3. Make a comprehensive list of fuel oil, diesel oil & lubricating oil tanks on board; stating the purpose of each tank & their location. What was their approximate capacity on your last ship. (16)
Q4. Write short notes on following with respect to lubricating oils.
a) Base oil (4)
b) Additive (4)
c) Contaminants (4)
d) Sampling & testing (4)
Q6. i) Sketch and describe a fuel system diagram for a 2 stroke Marine diesel engine from storage / service tank to fuel injectors. Show the various components and fittings which are provided in the circuit. What is the purpose of mixing columns & autodeaerating valve? (16)
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