Q9.a) With reference to Port State Control, discuss (i) Regional cooperation /agreements.
(ii) Future of port State control an effective tool for ship safety?
b) Define a sub-standard vessel and give examples of detainable items under SOLAS,
MARPOL, STCW and LL Conventions.
Q7. During a port State control inspection, the PSCO desired to carry out detailed inspection of the vessel.
a) What are clear grounds for a PSCO to conduct a more detailed inspection? State your answer with examples. (8)
b) What is the difference between 'corrective action' and 'preventive action. (8)
Q7. State the difference between flag Stat control and port State control (PSC., under which International Conventions can port State control be exercised. What do you understand by Memorandum of Understanding in respect of PSC? Name the different MOU’s.
Q4. Explain how PSC is different from FSC/FSI? Discuss Clear Grounds under SOLAS, MARPOL and the STCW with examples. (20)
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