Q2. Describe the periodic checks which should be made on a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system installed on a ship and reasons for the same. (20)
Q2. With respect to Fire protection, fire detection and Fire extinction:
a) Describe, for a ship that carries dangerous cargo, the bridge-based detection arrangement. (10)
b) State how fires are dealt with, bearing in mind that dangerous cargo quantity varies. (10)
Q3. a) Describe with the aid of a Sketch the release arrangement for a machinery space fixed fire-fighting installation using CO2 system. State in your answer any special need for rapid delivery of the gas and the time permitted for discharge. (10)
b) Explain why and how evacuation of the machinery space is considered necessary before releasing CO2. (10)
Q8. Fire protection for the accommodation spaces of passenger vessels incorporates means of detection, fighting and containment to reduce the spread of any fire.
A. Describe the means of detection and firefighting commonly installed. (8)
B. State how the spread of fire is prevented and how the containment is used with the firefighting and detection arrangement to locate the fire. (8)
Q5. Describe the procedure for the regular maintenance routines to be carried out on the Fixed CO2 fire-fighting system. (16)
Q8. a) Explain the working principle of a hyper mist fire suppression system on ships. How does this system differ from traditional water-based fire suppression methods? (8)
b) Discuss the installation, maintenance, and testing requirements for a hyper mist system on board ships. How does regular upkeep ensure the system’s effectiveness in an emergency? (8)
Q9. a) Sketch a line diagram of a mechanical low expansion foam fixed firefighting system suitable for machinery spaces. (6) b) Describe the operation of the system sketched. (6) c) Explain how a mixture of foam making compound and sea water are converted into foam. (4)
Q7. a) With reference to SOLAS 74 amendments 2000, maintenance plan is to be kept on-board ship for firefighting system,
a) Enumerate the list of fire protection system and fire-fighting systems and appliances which will be required to be included in the maintenance plan. (8)
b) Training manual as required by SOLAS 74 amendments 2000, chapter II -2 contains instructions and information with respect to fire fighting. List the same and their significance. (8)
Q8. With reference to fire smothering agents explain why:
a) Effectiveness of foam is directly related to its degree of effervescence and surface tension. (6)
b) low expansion foam is best suited for use against localized fire, while high expansion foam is most effective in with major conflagrations,
c) In the absence of foam appliances, water jets can be effectively used against oil fires (5)
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