Q1. a) Explain metal fatigue and how fatigue failure occurs. (4)
b) Differentiate between high stress/low cycle and low stress/high cycle fatigue giving
example of each. (4)
c) How do defects in the metal influence the expected life of a component. (4)
d) How does fuel injection timing and cylinder power balance influence the possibility
of fatigue cracks developing in the bedplate. (4)
Q6. State, with reasons, the causes of fatigue cracking of engineering components.
(a) State, with reasons, how material and design defects can Influence fatigue life.
(b) With reference to engine bed plate transverse girders explain how the Incidence of
fatigue cracking can be minimized. (16)
Q5. A. With reference to fatigue of engineering components explain the influence of stress level and cyclical frequency on expected operating life. (6)
B. Explain the influence of material defects on the safe operating life of an engineering component. (5)
C. State the factors which influence the possibility of fatigue cracking of a bed-plate transverse girder and explain how the risk of such cracking can be minimized. (5)
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