Q4. Differentiate with the aid of simple sketches between two of the following types of electronic circuits.
A. Rectifier circuit (6)
B. Amplifier circuit (5)
C. Oscillator circuit (5)
Q5. a) Explain the construction, working principle, and characteristics of a Zener Diode. Discuss its applications in electronic circuits. (8)
b) What is a Zener Barrier? With the help of a diagram, explain how a Zener Barrier works in an intrinsic Safe Circuit and discuss its importance in hazardous environments. (8)
Q1. What are semiconductor devices? What are its advantages over thermionic devices? With respect to semiconductor devices describe working principle and application of the following: (16)
(a) Zener Diode
(b) Transistor
(c) Photocell
(d) Thyristor
Q1. Differentiate with the aid of simple sketches between the following types of Electronic circuits.
i) Rectifier circuit
ii) Amplifier circuit
iii) Oscillator circuit
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