Q6. (a) Draw a diagrammatic sketch of auxiliary boiler on your ship, labelling all the mountings provided (8)
(b) Describe function of each mounting in brief (8)
Q8. Where a waste heat boiler is subject to persistent leakage at the tube/tube plate connection, state with reasons:
(a) The possible causes of such leakage (6)
(b) The effects of this leakage (5)
(c) Methods of effecting a permanent repair. (5)
Q7. (a) What do you understand by the term 'Boiler' and What is its function on board? (4)
(b) List out the uses of steam on board (4)
(c) Name the types of boilers generally used on ship and explain the differences (4)
(d) State the advantages of water tube boilers over smoke tube boiler (4)
Q9. With reference to main boiler super heater arrangements:
A. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of contra flow with parallel flow design.
B. Describe how the element tube banks are supported yet allow for expansion.
C. Describe how boiler carryover affects super heater effectiveness and condition.
Q1. a) What are the various types of corrosion that can occur in auxiliary boilers on ships? Describe each type, including its causes, symptoms, and potential consequences. (8)
b) Discuss the preventive measures and maintenance practices that can be implemented to mitigate corrosion and ensure the efficiency of the auxiliary boiler. (8)
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