Q7. (a) Explain with a sketch showing the components of an auxiliary engine fuel valve, the complete maintenance procedure including the removal of the fuel valve, pressure-testing and overhaul. (12)
(b) What are the precautions to be taken before installation of a fuel valve on the cylinder head? Indicate the special tools that may be required for the fuel valve removal and overhaul. (4)
Q8. The exhaust temperatures of an auxiliary diesel engine are found to be excessive and uneven at normal load, with dark exhaust at the funnel.
Describe EACH of the following:
a) An investigation of the situation. (5)
b) The procedure to remedy the immediate problems. (6)
c) Any further action that might be necessary. (5)
Q1. An auxiliary engine under load continuously fluctuates even with a steady load. The fault you diagnose could be owing to: (16)
(a) The quality of fuel
(b) The quality of servicing of the governor in the last port
(c) The supply of charge air
(d) The overhaul of fuel injectors done in the last decarbonization Give a brief explanation as to why each of the above mentioned points either could be true or cannot at all be the reasons for such a fluctuation.
Q2. Explain the advantages of fitting highly rated medium speed engines with double exhaust and air inlet valves (6)
(b) State the disadvantages of double valve arrangements (4)
(c) Explain the possible causes of persistent burning of exhaust valves if it is:
(i) General to most cylinders (3)
(ii) Specific to a single cylinder (3)
Q9. Explain with a suitable diagram, the components of an auxiliary engine fuel valve? Briefly explain, the process of overhauling and pressure testing the fuel valve? (16)
Q6: An Auxiliary engine exhibits a tendency to hunt to such an extent that the engine speed variation prohibits the connection of the machine to the switchboard.
A. Discuss the possible causes of hunting.
B. Explain how the problem of hunting can be rectified.
Q8. A. Describe the precaution necessary during the initial running-in of an Auxiliary Engine run on which is newly installed or has a major overhaul; B. Explain the possible causes of oxidation of lubricating oil. C. State the frequency with which oil samples should be taken for analysis.
Q7. With reference to auxiliary diesel engines, suggest probable causes that would create EACH of the following conditions and state how they would be rectified: A. Knocking; B. Loss of power; C, Loss of lubricating oil pressure
Q1. A. Describe with the aid of a sketch, the arrangement of exhaust and air inlet passages in a medium speed four stroke engine cylinder head. B. With reference to [a] indicate where cracking might be expected stating the likely cause. C. Explain the different factors that tend to cause distortion of 4stroke cylinder head. D. Explain how the effects described in [c] are minimized.
Q2. (a) Describe in detail a four stroke cycle. Why it is called so? (5)
(b) Draw 4-Stroke engine cycle. With crank position of each stroke. (6)
(c) What is scavenging? Show the Scavenging step in the cycle diagram, what is its importance. (5)
Q9. With reference to an auxiliary diesel engine: (a) Explain how a crankcase explosion may occur (4) (b) Identify the indications of poor combustion (4)
(c) State FOUR reasons for poor combustion (4)
(d) Describe the effects on engine condition and maintenance by allowing poor combustion to continue (4)
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