Q3. Explain the working principle of differential Pressure Transmitter with the help of diagram and explain the following parts with
their usages. A. Zero and span calibration B. Negative feedback bellow C. Pilot amplifier functions D. Zero Elevation Concept
Q6. State why the temperature of lubricating oil supplied to an engine needs close control. Sketch and describe an arrangement and explain the principle of operation of instrumentation and control equipment for automatically maintaining the temperature of lubricating oil supplied to an engine at its desired value
Q5. With reference to electronic control systems A. Draw a simple block diagram for temperature control B. Describe each component shown in the diagram in (a).
Q9. (a) Define proportional control action.
(b) Sketch and describe a simple pneumatic proportional controller.
(c) State a process where a proportional controller may be employed.
(d) State the disadvantage of proportional only action.
Q4: Comment on the reliability and maintenance requirements of two of the following;
(i) Pneumatic control equipment,
(ii) Electro-mechanical control equipment,
(iii) Electronic control equipment
(b) Discuss the routine attention required and the defects, which may occur in service.
Q1. With reference to control system state what is meant by
a) Two step action. (6)
b) Proportional control. (5)
c) Offset. (5)
Q1. a) What is feedback control? Explain open loop and close loop systems with reference to shipboard applications? (8)
b) What is P, PI and PID control. Make a neat comparison among all these methods of controlling with examples. (8)
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