Q8. A Rating has been seriously injured by a "blow back" from the oil fired auxiliary boiler. As Second engineer, make a full report to Head office explaining the circumstances of the incident and the precautionary measures now taken to reduce the possibility of a similar occurrence in the future.
Q8. Explain why, in spite of accurate alignment under static conditions use of flexible couplings and copious supply of lubricant, main reduction gearing in still subject to pitting, scuffing and other tooth damage; B. Discuss the significance of viscosity in relation to the function of marine turbine oils as used in main propulsion installations, stating how the viscosity is controlled and what could cause it to change in service.
Q2. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo:
A. Sketch a suitable pumping system labelling the component parts;
B. State;
i) Why submerged hydraulically driven pumps are not used;
ii) How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings is avoided;
C. State, how the risk of fire and explosion in cargo tanks is obviated both in the loaded and discharged condition.
Q8. Explain how the ingress of sea water is prevented in an oil lubricated stern bearing system. Should the system fail, describe the corrective action possible whilst the vessel is afloat. State why two stern bearing oil header tanks are fitted in some instances?
Q1. A. Explain the ideal design requirements of a ships propeller; B. briefly describe the propeller maintenance that should be carried out to prevent the fuel being wasted.
Q3. Explain the working principle of differential Pressure Transmitter with the help of diagram and explain the following parts with
their usages. A. Zero and span calibration B. Negative feedback bellow C. Pilot amplifier functions D. Zero Elevation Concept
Q3. A. Sketch a transmission shaft coupling which enables the propeller shaft to be withdrawn outward.
(a) describe the coupling and the method fitting and dismantling;
(b) state how the grip of the coupling can be checked when fitted;
(c) State what safety precaution should be taken when dismantling the coupling.
Q4. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, an open loop system for reducing SOx emissions from engine exhaust gas, explaining how the system operates whilst the vessel is in open waters.
(b) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a closed loop scrubber system for removing SOx from engine exhaust gas, explaining the operation of this unit and stating when it would be used.
Q9. (a) Explain electro chemical reactions and the difference between oxidation and reduction electrochemical reactions with examples. Which reactions occurs at the anode and cathode?
(b) Explain galvanic corrosion and discuss the different procedures to prevent it.
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