Q1. a) State essential electrical services on board that are able to be operable under fire conditions. (5)
b) Explain how electric cables for the essential services in part (a) pass through bulkheads whilst maintaining gas tight and watertight integrity. (5)
c) State the requirements for the cables which supply electrically driven emergency fire pumps. (6)
Q2. a) Sketch a circuit diagram of a push button direct online contactor starter for a three phase Incorporating overload and short circuit protection. (8)
b) Indicate, on a sketch of the typical characteristic curves of current and torque against Speed, disadvantages of a direct online start squirrel cage induction motor. (8)
Q1. Differentiate between half and full wave rectification. State where half wave rectification may be used and the purpose for which it is not well adapted. Sketch a bridge connection by which full wave rectification may be obtained. (16)
Q9. Briefly discuss the following with respect to safety of navigation:
a) Bridge Navigation Watchkeeping Alarm System (BNWAS) (6)
b) Long Range Identification and Tracking of ships (LRIT). (5)
c) Voyage Simplified Voyage Recorder (VDR/S-VDR) (5)
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