Q1. (a) What is a right-handed and a left-handed propeller? (5)
(b) With the aid of simple sketches explain Rake, Skew and Pitch of the propeller. (6)
(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of CPP? (5)
Q2. Define the main purpose of the following with respect to tank and pumping system. (a) Weighted cocks on tank sounding pipes (4)
(b) Remote operated gear for bilge valves (4)
(c) Ventilation pipes for double bottom tanks (4)
(d) Explain why gauze is sometimes fitted to tank ventilation pipes and explain the effect of mesh size. (4)
Q3. Briefly explain the following ship terms used:
(a) LOA (2)
(b) LBP (2)
(c) Breadth Extreme (2)
(d) Breadth Moulded (2)
(e) Depth Extreme (2)
(f) Depth Moulded (2)
(g) Draught Extreme (2)
(h) Draught Moulded (2)
Q4. Define centre of buoyancy and show with the aid of sketches how a vessel which is stable will return to the upright after being heeled by an external force. (16)
Q5. (a) State why cargo ships must have a collision bulkhead. (6) (b) A bilge holding tank of 5m length. 3m width and 1.8m depth has water of density 1.020 t/m3 upto a sounding of 1.3m and oil of density 0.86 t/m3 is floating on top of water up to an ullage of 0.3m. Calculate the mass of water and oil in the tank. (10)
Q6. (a) Define TPC. Explain why TPC for a given draught will vary with the density of the water in which the ship floats (6) (b) The pitch angle, measured at a distance of 2m from the centre of the boss, was found to be 21.5 Calculate the pitch of the propeller (10)
Q7. (a) Explain clearly the meaning of the term ‘reserve buoyancy' (6) (b) When a mass of 6 t is moved transversely through a certain distance on a ship of 4300 t displacement, the deflection of an 11 m pendulum is found to be 120 mm. The transverse meta-centre is 7.25 m above the keel and KG 5.46 m. Find the distance through which 6 t was moved (10)
Q8. (a) Explain various powers and efficiencies in the Propulsion plant of a ship (6) (b) A vessel with a displacement of 12250 t burns 290 t of fuel while travelling at a speed of 15 knots on a voyage of 2850 nautical miles. On a voyage of 1800 nautical miles at a speed of 13 knots and a displacement of 14200 t, estimate the quantity of fuel that will be burnt. (10)
Q9. (a) What are the effects of adding mass to draught and trim of a ship? (b) A ship of 7000 t displacement has a water plane area of 1500 m2. In passing from sea water into river water of 1005 kg/m3 there is an increase in draught of 10 cm. Find the density of the sea water (10)
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