Q1. (a) What do you understand by SOLAS? Give a brief outline of SOLAS. (10)
(b) Explain the salient features of Chapter IX of SOLAS? (8)
(c) List the certificates issued under Chapter IX of SOLAS and its validity? (2)
Q6. With reference to the periodically unattended machinery space of a dry cargo vessel discuss the requirements for
i) Protection against flooding. (10)
ii) Control of Propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge. (10)
Q7. a) Sketch a simple line diagram showing a shipboard oil-water separator in series with a coalescing second stage. (10)
b) Describe the arrangement and operation of the separator sketched in (a). (10)
Q8. Describe CO2 fixed firefighting system for machinery spaces and cargo spaces of a bulk carrier. Explain safety precautions taken prior to release of CO2 to the engine room. (20)
Q5. (a) How do ships contribute to marine pollution? Name a few potential marine pollution sources (10)
(b) What is the impact of shipping operations on the environment? (5)
(c) How can shipping pollution be reduced? Name some of the measures initiated by the IMO in that direction. (5)
Q6. (a) What are 'harmful substances in packaged form' and which part of MARPOL is concerned with these types of substances? (6)
(b) State the objectives of IMDG code. State it's principles; Which part of SOLAS can be related to this code. (6)
(c) What are the packaging groups/classes associated with this code? (8)
Q3. State the causes of scavenge fire in a two-stroke engine and explain how the possibility of such an occurrence can be reduced. If a scavenge fire does occur what action should be taken? Discuss the use of CO2 and dry powder for extinguishing such a fire and describe a fixed installation for applying one of these chemicals (20)
Q8. Describe an emergency source of electrical power, using a diesel engine driven alternator, with particular attention to:
(a) Location (5)
(b) Starting arrangement (5)
(c) The loads they can supply and duration (5)
(d) The care and tests required to ensure reliable operation (5)
Q9. With reference to MARPOL 73/78:
(a) Explain the purpose of an Oil record book? (4)
(b) What are the regulations concerning above requirement? (4)
(c) What are the entries made in the Oil Record Book Part-1? (4)
(d) What is SOPEP? List the items you find inside a SOPEP locker? (4)
(e) With the aid of a checklist, illustrate the precautionary measures during bunkering and after completion of the operation. (4)
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