Q1. (a) What are the various Static stresses that act on a vessel at rest in still water? Explain with the aid of sketches. (10)
(b) Give examples for dynamic stresses on a vessel? (6)
Q2. (a) What is bilging and What are the effects of bilging? (8)
(b) How are bulkheads classified? (3)
(c) What are the advantages of water tight bulkheads? How is the water tight bulkhead tested? (5)
Q3. Explain the meaning and purpose of EACH of the following terms:
(a) Flare (3)
(b) Bulwark (3)
(c) Coaming (3)
(d) Freeing port (3)
(e) Scupper (2)
(f) Rise of floor (2)
Q4. Sketch a semi balanced rudder showing:
(a) A detail of the hinges or pintles about which rudder turns (4)
(b) Details of the rudder carrier bearing, which supports the weight of the rudderstock and rudder (4)
(c) State advantages of semi balanced rudder over an unbalanced rudder (4)
(d) What acts as "rudder stops"? What is their purpose and at what angle from mid position would you expect the rudder stops to be set (4)
Q5. (a) Sketch and describe the anchor and chain arrangement in the forecastle of a vessel (10)
(b) What is bitter end and when and how it is put to use? (6)
Q6. (a) What is the purpose of conducting inclining experiment on a new vessel? (6)
(b) When a mass of 6 t is moved transversely through a certain distance on a ship of 4300t displacement, the deflection of an 11m pendulum is found to be 120 mm. The transverse meta-centre is 7.25 m above the keel and KG 5.46 m. Find the distance through which 6t was moved. (10)
Q7. (a) What are the various resistances acting against the motion of the ship? (6)
(b) A vessel of 10000 t displacement burns 25 t of fuel per day when her speed is 12 Knots. Calculate the probable consumption of fuel over a voyage of 3000 nautical miles at a speed of 11 knots with a displacement of 11000 t. (10)
Q7. (a) Explain why the draught of a ship decreases when it passes from fresh water to seawater and vice versa. (6)
(b) A lock gate which is 15m wide has salt water on one side to a depth of 8m and fresh water on the other side to a depth of 9m. Find the resultant thrust on the lock gate and state on which side of the gate it acts. (10)
Q9. (a) With aid of a simple sketch, show the normal positions of centre of gravity of a stable ship relative to keel, centre of buoyancy and meta centre. (6)
(b) A ship has 300 t of cargo in the hold, 24 m forward of the midships. The displacement of the vessel is 6000 t and its centre of gravity is 1.2 m forward of midships. Find the new position of the centre of gravity if this cargo is moved to an after hold, 40 m from midships. (10)
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