Q1. With reference to centrifugal pumps and pumping systems. A) Under what conditions, a centrifugal pump require a priming device for pump to operate normally? B) Draw a neat graph and explain and the performance curves of a centrifugal pump.
Q8. A. State the advantages of using steam turbine propulsion power for vessels carrying LNG cargo. B. With regard to the use of L.N.G. cargo as boiler fuel explain: (i)The safety precautions relating to the gas pipeline supplying the boiler and burning the gas in the boiler, (ii) The means of getting rid of “excess gases” during loading or discharge.
Q6. With regards to main transmission shaft flange coupling arrangements:
A. Sketch a hollow type coupling bolt and the hydraulic head/nut and loading rod which are used to fit it.
B. Describe how the bolt is fitted.
C. State the advantage of the hollow coupling bolt as compared to the traditional type of coupling bolt.
Q4. With reference to electrohydraulic steering gear systems with four Rams,
(a) With the aid of a sketch describe the working principle of hydraulic pump. (8)
(b) Explain the method adopted to prevent hydraulic oil leakage along the rams (4)
(c) Discuss the methods adopted to prevent damage to the steering gear due to jumping of rudder in heavy seas. (4)
Q6. With regards to process control system explain following A. Proportional Control B. Integral Control C. Derivative Control D. The necessity of Derivative control
Q6. Hydrogen damage is a general term used for mechanical damage of metal caused by the
presence of hydrogen, briefly discuss the different types of hydrogen damage and how these damages can be prevented?
a) Hydrogen blistering (4)
b) Hydrogen embrittlement (4)
c) Decarburization (4)
d) Hydrogen attack (4)
Q8. a) Explain why pilot injection is required for a Dual fuel engine when burning natural gas. (8)
b) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the arrangements for a dual fuel engine which is capable of burning natural gas on
a) The Otto cycle.
b) The Diesel cycle. (8)
Q3. Explain vapor compression refrigeration cycle on T-S and PH diagram and explain the purpose of EACH of the following:
(a) Expansion valve
(b) Room thermostat
(c) High pressure cut out.
(d) Equalizing line.
Q1. (A) Explain how wear on bearing surfaces is effected by each of the following factors:
(i) Dissimilarity of materials in the contact surfaces
(ii) Relative speed of sliding between the surfaces
(iii) Roughness of the surfaces
(iv) incompatibility of lubricant and bearing material.
(b) Describe how each effect may be identified during inspection, Suggest corrective action at either operational or maintenance stages.
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