Q4. A. What are the various statutory Certificates carried on board oil tanker, and their validity? Mention the Conventions, under which they are issued, giving the reference of their Conventions.
B. Explain Harmonization of Statutory Certificates under the SOLAS 74/88 Convention. If a period of a statutory Certificate has just expired and a port is having inadequate survey facility, state the actions you will take in compliance with the provisions of SOLAS.
Q3. Legal systems in countries around the world generally fall into one of two main categories: common law systems and civil law systems. What is the main difference between the two systems and what are the roles of the lawyer and Judge in each system?
B. How the provisions of International Conventions are given effect in countries following the above system of laws. State and describe with examples.
Q3. With reference to port State control inspection.
a) What are "clear grounds" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct a more detailed inspection of the ship? (6)
b) List out five deficiencies, which may lead to detention of the vessel. Also, enumerate the cause of such deficiency and preventive action you, as Chief Engineer, will take to avoid re-occurrence of such detainable deficiencies. (6)
c) Identify possible scenarios that could lead to the issuance of PR17 by RO. (4)
Q4. With the introduction of new generation of super-long stroke engines and changed process parameters triggered by environmental compliance rules, “Cold Corrosion” of cylinder liners has grown to become a major issue for the latest generation of two-stroke engines. Discuss the causes and mitigation measures, stressing on the following:
A. Increased Jacket Cooling Water Temperatures Systems
B. New Cylinder Liner designs
C. New Cylinder Lubricators
Q5. A) What are the functional requirements of ISM Code. (4)
B) What are the objectives of an ISM internal Audit of a ship? How an internal Audit helps in External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issues addressed in Internal Audit and the minimum frequency of such an audit to be carried out on board a ship during the five-year validity of the ship’s Safety Management Certificate. (6)
C) Briefly Discuss non-conformities, Accident and Hazardous occurrences with example as per ISM code. (6)
Q6. Referring to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss:
a) Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship.
b) Conditions of Employment.
c) Compliance and enforcement of the convention.
d) Abandonment of seafarers. (16)
Q7. a) What is P&I clubs? Describe how P&I clubs collect fund from ship-owners. (5)
b) What are the risks that are covered under the term "protection" and "indemnity"? (5)
c) How does P&I clubs handle claims and what is the procedure for filling a claim? (6)
Q7. A. What are the principles of modern salvage law?
B. What is General Average,
C. Explain with context to General Average, i. Entitlement; ii. Artificial; iii. Adjustment; iv. Contestation
Q2. Periodical Lubricating Oil Analysis, its correct interpretation and corrective measures are of critical significance for the maintenance of marine machineries. With reference to the modern analysis techniques employed for the condition of L.O, discuss the following:
A). Elemental (Spectrometric) Analysis
B). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
C). Particle Count
D). Base Number Vs Acid Number
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