Q1. a) Describe the key phases and microstructures present in the iron-carbon equilibrium diagram and explain their significance in the heat treatment of steel. (8)
b) How do the different regions of the iron-carbon diagram influence the mechanical properties of steel, such as hardness, toughness, and ductility? Provide examples of how specific compositions and heat treatments can achieve desired properties. (8)
Q7. a) Explain with a sketch the operation of an automatic expansion valve as fitted in the direct expansion refrigeration plants. How is this valve adjusted? (6)
b) Explain how critical temperature restricts plant operation and how these limitations can be overcome? (5)
c) Explain how this system maintains the provision rooms at different temperatures? (5)
Q9. With reference to Inert Gas Generator fitted on gas carriers:
a. Sketch a line diagram showing a typical 'Inert Gas System' used for inerting in gas carriers, labelling the component parts. (6)
b. Describe the system. (5)
c. State the function of a chiller used in this type of inert gas generator. (5)
Q4. What are the key parameters analysed during lab testing of lubricating oil used in ship machinery, and how do these test results help in determining the condition of the oil and the health of the machinery? (16)
Q8. With reference to main propulsion shaft systems:
(a) describe a method of hydraulic jacking to check bearing loads; (8)
(b) sketch the Bearing Load versus Shift Lift Dial Gauge Reading graph obtained by the method described in part (a), annotating the graph and how the characteristic of bearing load is obtained. (8)
Q6. “With reference to a four-ram hydraulic gear”, having duplicate pumps-
a) Sketch the arrangements of relief, make up, isolating and by-pass valves. (8)
b) Explain the use of isolating and by-pass valves, if one of the cylinders has fractured. (4)
c) Describe the arrangement provided to indicate the loss of hydraulic fluid due to leakage. (4)
Q7. With reference to chemical tankers:
a) Sketch a suitable cargo pumping and stripping system, labelling the component parts and indicating the direction of fluid flow. (10)
b) State the requirements of the regulations evolved to reduce pollution of the sea by chemical tanker cargoes. (6)
Q8. How do preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance strategies differ in the management of ship equipment, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach in ensuring the reliability and longevity of machinery onboard ship? (16)
Q9. (a) Explain electro chemical reactions and the difference between oxidation and reduction electrochemical reactions with examples. Which reactions occurs at the anode and cathode?
(b) Explain galvanic corrosion and discuss the different procedures to prevent it.
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