Q1. Write short notes on the following pertaining to the use of copper alloys in seawater systems.
a. Use of copper nickel and formation of protective film for use in seawater. (4)
b. Cavitation. (4)
c. Dezincification. (4)
d. Marine biofouling. (4)
Q2. i) Explain the purpose and applications of using lubricating oils on board. (8)
ii) Name the types of lubricating oil used on ships and mention various properties of same and their significance. (8)
Q3. i) What is meant by the term 'corrosion' and how does it occur in nature? (6)
ii) Name different types of 'wet and dry corrosion' (at least 4 of them) with brief account of their occurrence and suitable preventive measures for their control. (10)
Q4. Explain the procedures to be followed before, during and after taking bunker and transferring of the bunker; (8)
(i) State the checklists to be adopted before, during and after bunkering. (4)
(ii) Make a schematic showing the storage and fuel transfer lines on board. (4)
Q5. Describe the functional components of a reefer plant for the domestic refrigeration. system and temperatures to be maintained in different cold rooms; (8)
i) Describe the pressure switches; (2)
(ii) The tubular heat exchanger; (2)
(iii) The Oil separator and, (2)
(iv) The drier system. (2)
Q6. i) Sketch and describe a biological sewage treatment system. (6)
ii) How does the biological Sewage Treatment Plant work? Explain. (6)
iii) What is understood by the term BOD? What factors affect BOD. (4)
Q7. i) What is the significance of oil water interface in fuel oil purifiers? (3)
ii) Explain the principle of 'desludging operation'. (6)
iii) What is the purposed of 'operating water', 'sealing water' and 'replacement water'', How is operating water supplied and at what pressure? (7)
Q8. i) What is the basic function of heat exchanger? (3)
ii) Draw a line diagram showing the temperature gradient between the fluids at an intermediate heat conductive wall of a heat exchanger. (3)
iii) Explain with respect to flow pattern a parallel flow: (10)
a) i) parallel flow, ii) contraflow
b) i) turbulent flow, ii) streamline flow (for liquid inside tubes)
Q9. i) Explain the term 'incinerator' and the function of incineration on board ships in order to prevent/ minimize contamination of marine environment. Draw a typical process flow diagram on incineration. How is incinerator ash disposed off. (16)
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